XXXV. Love

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Getting out of bed for school the next day was murder

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Getting out of bed for school the next day was murder.

"That's what you get for staying out all night," Alec smiled into my hair. We were still nestled under the covers, spooning, and delaying the start of our day.

"It was an accident," I said, breathing in Alec's delectable scent.

"Nonetheless," he chucked.

"Why didn't you come get me sooner?" I complained as I rolled over to face him, maintaining our embrace.

"Jane said that while the two of you were out you told her that you needed more space. She said she was worried you were starting to feel claustrophobic."

Jane? Worried? My ass.

I felt a flash of anger, followed by a pang of betrayal. I legitimately believed that Jane was starting to warm up to me. With this blatant lie, I realized her kindness was a farce. As much as I hated to admit it, my feelings were hurt. Plain and simple. I'd begun to let my guard down, to let her in. I was crushed.

"I think she misunderstood me. I was talking about my concerns about Jacob, since we were right about to go to that dinner with him. I was really nervous. Maybe Jane thought I was projecting," I lied.

As much as I wanted to rat Jane out, I couldn't. I hated the way she treated me, but at the end of the day, she was still Alec's twin sister. They had a very strong, special bond. I refused to do anything to purposefully come between them. I respected her relationship with Alec, even if she denied me the same courtesy.

"Well, if you do feel claustrophobic, promise me you'll let me know. I would hate to make you feel uncomfortable," Alec said, brushing my hair out of my face.

"I know," I said with a small, grateful smile. "That's one of the reasons why I love you."

"Really?" he asked playfully, raising his eyebrows. "Those are some strong words, Miss Forsythe."

"There are no other words to use." I dipped my gaze from his dark crimson eyes to his full lips. My heart fluttered as I pushed past my nerves and dared myself to continue. "There are no better words, because I love you."

I kept my eyes focused on his lips as I waited breathlessly for his response. The words had left my lips. I couldn't take them back. Blushing profusely, my eyes fluttered back up to meet his.

His eyes were soft as he gently studied my face, drinking in my features. He looked at me as if he's never witnessed anything so sweet. Sheer adoration poured from his expression; the purity of his love was overwhelming, but I was ready to embrace it with open arms.

Alec's love was unlike anything that I had, or would, experience. It was wholly unique.

And as I witnessed the heart melting, unwavering look of devotion on his face, I knew with my whole heart - with every fiber of my being - that he was the one. The one true love of my life.

The dizzying warmth of such immense affection overtook me; I felt like I was walking on air.

"I love you, too," Alec said, his velvet voice thick with emotion.

Tears strung in my eyes as I marveled at him, my person.

My Alec.

He pulled me closer, into his chest, and we lay there peacefully enveloped in each other. I breathed in deeply, taking in his sweet, alluring aroma. His cool skin felt heavenly against my burning cheeks. We were lost to the whole world and I never wanted to return. All I desired was Alec; every inch of me hungered for him.

I tilted my head back and he brought his lips to mine. Our kiss was gentle and slow, but it evolved swiftly as heat flooded my body and welled up in unspoken places. He held me tighter as my fingers tangled into his hair, falling deeper into our embrace. Our movements were gradual and deliberate as our bodies shifted, moving in perfect sync.

Heat continued to pool until I was desperate for release. One kiss led to another, but I knew it would never be enough. Moving instinctually, I looped my leg around his waist and pressed my pelvis into his, alerting him of my need. He looked at me with clouded eyes, asking an unspoken question. I tightened my thighs and kissed him urgently in response.

Alec gently laid me flat on my back and paused, admiring me from a new angle as he hovered over me. Impatient, I began clawing at his shirt. He chuckled silently and pulled it over his head in a flash. My eyes drifted over his bare chest; I was pleased, but I greedily wanted more.

Our clothes fell to the floor, along with the comforter, and our bodies melded together. Our movements were so fluid, so natural - we were made for each other. Thick, sweet waves of pleasure engulfed me as Alec intuitively took control, angling our bodies just right. The waves came stronger still, and faster, as our bodies moved rhythmically until

we tipped




to reality.

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