XXXII. Family

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When I returned to the cottage I kept my mouth shut

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When I returned to the cottage I kept my mouth shut. I knew that if Alec found out about my little encounter with Jacob he would either confront him and get himself killed, or he would drag me off to Italy before I got mauled. I didn't want to risk either outcome. Instead, I put on a happy face and masked my fear as if my life depended on it.

Refusing to let the latest horror in my life ruin me, I pushed forward and focused on each task that was immediately in front of me. If I allowed myself to dwell on the What Ifs, I would drive myself mad.

On Monday morning, I was awoken by a large blast of a car horn. I jolted out of my dreamless slumber, clutching Alec's shirt and giving him a wide eyed stare.

"One moment," he murmured before disappearing from his spot on the bed next to me. Instead of waiting for Alec to return I jumped out of bed and ran through the cottage, propelling myself out of the front door.

It was frigid out, with light mist that made it feel even colder. I shivered. The sweatshirt and leggings I wore to bed the night before did little to keep the cold at bay. Alec and Jane stood outside, by the front door, and gazed across the yard with their unnervingly vacant expressions.

My initial concern melted into joy when I noticed what was holding their attention. My Jeep was back, good as new.

"Renesmee!" I called gleefully as she climbed out of the driver's seat. I ran across the lawn and wrapped her in a hug.

"What do you think?" she asked, gesturing toward the car.

"It's beautiful," I said as I admired it.

"What the hell happened, anyway? The grill was totally beat up," Renesmee asked inquisitively.

"I ran into a deer on my way home the other night. It was super foggy, and it was raining." Well. It was mostly true.

"Oof. That'll do it," Renesmee said. "I'm glad the mechanic was able to fix it up so soon. I know how much you hate driving the Volvo."

"I hate driving anything other than my Jeep," I laughed. "Speaking of, I'm assuming you're here to collect the Volvo, as well."

"That would be correct. That and..." she trailed off with a furtive smile.

"And?" I prompted her to continue eagerly.

"I'm moving back home!" she exclaimed.

"What? That's amazing! I'm so happy for you," I beamed.

"Thanks! I wouldn't have done it without your encouragement."

"Glad I could help," I continued to smile even though the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I tried desperately not to think about the implications of her statement.

At least I knew why Jacob was so pissed.

"Is there any way you could skip school and hang out today?" Renesmee asked.

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