XLVIII. The Truth

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"Why did you tell Liam that Jane and I are going to Los Angeles for Thanksgiving?" Alec asked on the drive back home from school

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"Why did you tell Liam that Jane and I are going to Los Angeles for Thanksgiving?" Alec asked on the drive back home from school.

Jane was in her usual spot, silently peering at us from the back seat.

"I don't know," I shrugged. "I thought you two would want to go to Italy for the week while you had some time off."

"Hardly," Alec said.

"Speak for yourself," Jane chimed in.

"Sister. Please. Not now," Alec exhaled.

"Not now? How about not ever?" I scoffed. "I'm getting real sick of her treating me like trash."

"Get used to it, baby girl. I'm going to be around much longer than you," Jane sneered.

"Alec! Are you seriously going to sit there and let her talk to me like that?" I asked incredulously as I cut the engine. We'd just arrived home.

"My brother will do as he pleases," Jane snapped.

"Jane. That's enough," Alec said sharply.

Jane rolled her eyes and hopped out of the car, disappearing into the cottage within a matter of seconds.

I stared out of the windshield, exasperated.

"Alec, I don't know how much longer I can put up with her," I said sternly. "She's driving me nuts."

"Jane is--" Alec began.

"Complicated," I finished his sentence curtly. "I know. You've already used that one on me."

"What do you want me to do?" Alec asked, making no effort to disguise his growing displeasure.

"You know what? Nothing. I'll go handle this myself," I retorted before throwing the driver's side door open. I jumped out of the Jeep and charged toward the cottage.

"Jane!" I yelled from the living room. I was thoroughly upset.

"What?" she appeared on the other side of the room with a sickly sweet smile. She found my pain entertaining.

"I'm over this, Jane. I'm done. You've been nothing but a big bully since the day we met. I'm not putting up with your crap anymore," I asserted. "If you're pissed about your brother being with me, take it up with him. He chose me. He pursued me. I was the one who let him in, not the other way around. Your drama isn't my problem."

"You really think you know my brother," she said cryptically with a smirk.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I demanded. I knew I'd regret humoring her, but I couldn't resist.

"My brother has been putting on a great show for you. I have to give him credit for that. But, all of this goody good kumbaya shit? It's not real. I thought the little incident at the Williams' home would be enough to show you Alec's true nature, but your denial..." Jane let out a shrill laugh.

I stared at her furiously.

"All of the qualities that you detest about me, my brother possesses, as well. He's my  counterpart. There's no Jane without Alec, and there's no Alec without Jane," she smiled coldly.

"I disagree," I glared.

"I assumed you would. So, let me put it like this: When my brother mutilated that poor, innocent family on Saturday night, did he do it to enforce vampire law, or because he was bored?"

"No," I said firmly.

"We kept an eye on that girl. She hadn't said anything to the rest of her family. A swift snap of the neck would have sufficed, but...well, Alec likes to have fun."

"You're lying," I insisted, my voice wavering.

"You know it's true, Violet. You knew as soon as you laid eyes on those defenseless humans, brutalized in their own beds. My brother is just like me. We kill because we can, and we torture for the thrill of it."

"No. No, no," I said weakly, shaking my head.

"In fact, I bet massacring that family was the first shred of fun he's had since we ate yours for lunch," she laughed.

"JANE!" Alec roared from the doorway.

I didn't so much as flinch. I couldn't. I was completely frozen.

"Brother. I was just telling her the truth," Jane said innocently. "How much longer were you planning on keeping up this charade, anyway?"

"It is not your place to speak!" he bellowed, crossing the room in a flash and getting into his sister's face.

"I did you a favor," Jane said acidly.

"Get out," he growled.

I slowly sank to the floor, barely registering their spat.

"I'm not leaving without you," Jane said, raising her voice.

"You do not get to make that call. Go!"

"Go where?" she demanded.

"Volterra! Hell! I don't care! As long as you stay out of my sight!" Alec screamed at her.

"You don't mean that," Jane shirked.

I began to sob, still on my hands and knees.

Alec grabbed Jane by the arm and physically threw her out.

"If I ever see you again, I'll cut you into pieces and burn you, one limb at a time," he said in a low, menacing voice.

"Alec--" Jane pleaded, quickly changing her tune.

He slammed the door in her face before she could get another word in. Loud, jagged sobs echoed from the other side of the door, but he never made a move to comfort her.

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