X. Arrival

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Before I could get a single word out of my mouth, Renesmee ran over to me, slung me over her back, and darted back to her car that was still parked in front of Jacob's house

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Before I could get a single word out of my mouth, Renesmee ran over to me, slung me over her back, and darted back to her car that was still parked in front of Jacob's house. In a flash, she deposited me into the passenger seat and took her place behind the steering wheel. The car purred to life and we were back on the road in less than two minutes.

As we hurtled past the La Push property line, a wolf cry tore through the quiet summer evening. It sounded alarmingly close.

Bella was waiting for us as we slid into the garage. It was clear that she was immensely stressed, based on the look on her face. I could tell she was trying to mask her emotions, but her poker face could use some work.

"Momma," Renesmee exhaled as her mother pulled her into a tight embrace.

"It's going to be okay," Bella cooed at her only child.

I stood awkwardly by the car, mildly uncomfortable with witnessing such an intimate moment.

"Where are they?" Renesmee asked as she stepped away from Bella.

"In the woods. They'll enter the clearing in a matter of minutes. Where's Jacob?"

"I don't know," Renesmee shrugged. "He's probably on his way."

"Okay. I like to have him with you when the Volturi get involved," Bella said.

"I know, I know. I heard him change into a wolf as we left La Push," Renesmee said with a touch of annoyance in her voice.

"So...should I just mosey on out there and meet them or...?" I asked, growing frustrated as it became clear that Renesmee was Bella's only concern. I was the human, after all, and the real purpose of the Volturi's trip out to Forks.

"Don't be silly," Esme said from behind me. I flinched. I hadn't noticed that she'd joined us.

"My apologies," she said when she realized she startled me.

"It's okay," I said weakly as I tried to slow my racing heart.

"Come with me," Esme said, offering her hand.

I took her hand and she led me to the front porch of the mansion. She was kind enough to stay with me while the rest of her family spread out across the yard, forming a loose barrier between the house and the looming woods.

Renesmee and Bella joined the rest of their family in the yard, but they drifted closer to the house than the others.

Everyone waited in silence. For a fraction of a second, I wished my senses were as sharp as the surrounding vampires so I could see what was coming. I quickly discarded the thought and chastised myself silently for it.

The Cullens all straightened up and four dark figures emerged from the gloom of the forest. Heavy clouds blocked out the moonlight, and it was eerily quiet outside. The only light source was the porch light that spilled across the lawn.

The four figures stopped several yards away from the Cullens, still shrouded in darkness. I strained my eyes to make out more details of the figures, but I was wasn't very successful.

The figures stood in a line, the two larger ones flanking the middle two. They wore cloaks; The outer two wore deep, dark grey and the other two wore black. Simultaneously, they dropped the hood of their cloaks, revealing their faces.

Paralyzing fear swept through me, but my body reacted otherwise. To everyone's surprise, including my own, my legs propelled me across the lawn. Despite the fear and uncertainty, my mind subconsciously reacted in the only way that felt natural: literally flinging myself at him.

I inhaled deeply as Alec wrapped his arms around me, drawing me into his chest. My fingers tangled in his cloak as I pulled him closer. He held me securely in his arms and rested his cheek on the top of my head, breathing in my scent.

"It's good to see you again, as well," he murmured with a smile in his voice.

To my chagrin, I let out a loud, dry sob before breaking down into a fit of ugly tears.

"I was under the impression my brother instructed you to keep her safe," the blonde girl who stood to Alec's right said coldly.

"She's in one piece," Edward said coolly.

"She reeks of dog. Although, considering how you allow your precious little Renesmee to fraternize with that werewolf, we shouldn't be surprised," her retort dripped with insinuation.

A hiss erupted from the Cullen side of the clearing but I couldn't tell who it was.

I had finally been able to stop my crying although I still had to focus on controlling my breathing. Alec gently wiped the last of my tears from my cheeks. I timidly peeked over at Jane but I could only see her profile in the dark. She kept her eyes forward, her attention glued to the Cullens.

"You've got a lot of nerve coming out here without your full entourage, running your mouth like that," Bella said furiously.

"I couldn't imagine what would happen if any of you so much as lay a finger on us," the shorter man in grey said, his voice exuded boredom.

"Our business here is done," Jane said simply.

"Is it?" Edward said quickly, catching Jane before she could turn to leave.

"My patience is dwindling," she warned him curtly.

"Aro specified that you cannot take her with you if she doesn't want to go," Edward said smoothly.

Jane frowned deeply, but Alec looked unphased. I looked over my shoulder at Edward with wide eyes.

"Violet?" Edward asked, speaking slowly. "Would you like to go to Volterra?'

I blinked at him as I tried to form a coherent sentence. It annoyed me when he asked me questions he already knew the answer to, but at that moment I didn't care.

"No," I said, my voice thick from crying. I shook my head and stepped back from Alec.

"You're more than welcome to continue staying with us," Carlisle offered cordially.

"That would be nice," I said, turning to look at Carlisle.

"Now your business here is done," Edward said snidely.

"Edward," Carlisle gave him a warning look.

"Just because she isn't ready to go, doesn't mean we're going to leave without her," Jane smirked as the Cullen's expressions morphed into a wide array of anger and confusion.

"The last thing we want is for your family to allow Violet to be mauled by a wolf while we have our backs turned," Alec's amicable smile didn't quite match the tone of his words.

Hisses from a few of the Cullen's echoed throughout the clearing.

"You must be worn out," Esme said to me sympathetically. "Perhaps you would like to go get some sleep?"

"She's not your concern anymore," Jane snapped.

"Sister. All is well," Alec said, resting his hand on her back. Then he turned to Esme. "Your hospitality is deeply appreciated."

Jane gave her brother an incredibly dark look but said nothing.

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