XLIV. Savior

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I found myself in a large ballroom - gilded and grand

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I found myself in a large ballroom - gilded and grand.

I looked around the room slowly, soaking in the sheer beauty of my surroundings in awe. Large sconces lined the walls, thoroughly illuminating the room. Directly above me was an immense and absolutely brilliant chandelier. The room was full of elegantly dressed people, refined, and conversing amongst themselves pleasantly.

It was absolutely exquisite.

I looked down in wonder at the ethereal gown I was wearing - cream muslin, adorn with intricate gold detailing. I'd never worn anything so lovely.

I felt someone gently place their hand on my shoulder; I turned around. Alec greeted me with affectionate eyes and a heart stopping smile. Music swelled in the room, each note gracefully weaving into the next, producing an indescribably beautiful piece. Alec took my hand and we danced, gliding expertly across the vast ballroom floor. Our movements were seamless, as if we were each created for that singular, splendid moment.

A fated pair.

"Violet," Alec murmured into my hair.

I wanted to speak, but I feared I'd break down into tears simply because of how stunning, how perfect, our moment together was.

"Violet," he said again, louder this time.

I opened my mouth to respond, but I choked up. I held onto him tighter.

He dipped me backward, supporting my weight with ease; I tipped my head back, leaning into the movement. I felt his lips gently press against my neck, kissing me as he pulled me back to him. He trailed kisses up my neck and along my jaw until, finally, he pressed his lips firmly against mine.

I inhaled deeply, breathing in his delectable aroma. He kissed me again, softly parting my lips with his. Icy cold air flooded my lungs and, with a jolt, tore me from our moment.

My eyes snapped open. I was no longer in the glorious ballroom. I was laying down on the cold, wet forest floor.


I gasped and wheezed for air; my esophagus felt raw and my lungs were unbearably deprived of oxygen.

"Violet!" I heard Alec cry before I saw his face, leaning over me. His expression was torn with despair.

My coughs rattled in my ribcage as I tried to sit up. It was difficult; I was lightheaded and disoriented. I closed my eyes and focused on catching my breath before addressing Alec.

"How are you? Are you okay?" he asked frantically.

"Alec," I rasped, narrowly avoiding another coughing fit.

"Oh, thank God," he exhaled sharply as he scooped me into his arms.

"I'm fine," I said with more clarity. I was properly returning to my senses.

Alec set me back down on the forest floor and ran his hand through my hair. "I thought I was losing you," he said gravely.

"Well, that makes two of us," I muttered as I pushed myself to my feet. Alec followed suit. I wobbled over to the nearest tree and leaned against its trunk for support. "Alec. What the fuck was that?"

"I'm sorry?" He pulled his eyebrows together, perplexed.

"The house. That family. What the fuck was that?" I demanded, struggling to keep my cool.

"It needed to be done," he said without inflection.

"You butchered everyone!" I cried.

"They were a liability. If just the girl went missing, the family would continue to ask questions."

"Amanda. Her name is Amanda," I growled.


"It needed to be done," he repeated.

"Like that!?" I struggled not to scream.

"I had to."

I stared at him in disbelief. I felt like I was running into a wall; he wouldn't budge.

"Alec," I said cautiously as he stepped closer to me.

"Do you trust me?" he asked in a soft, muted tone.

Face to face, I stared into his bright crimson eyes and swallowed. What the hell had I gotten myself into?

"Yes," I breathed.

He rested his forehead against mine. "Thank you," he sighed.

I cupped his cheek with my hand and looked him in the eye. "I love you," I said quietly.

"I love you, too," he murmured.

I pressed my lips against his and felt a blissful, euphoric wave wash over me. I wrapped my free arm around his neck and pulled him closer as I kissed him desperately. Alec wrapped his arms around me, his lips moving against mine. Tears pricked in my eyes as I guiltily enjoyed the sickly sweetness of our embrace.

Alec broke the kiss and peered down at me, his eyes deep and melting with warmth.

"What have I done to deserve you?" he asked rhetorically. Anguish soaked his every word.

Tears streamed freely down my face as I gazed back at him. My heart swelled with love.

"I will follow you until the end of time," I vowed solemnly.

Alec's face crumpled. He pulled me into his chest and held me tightly. I nestled my face in the crook of his neck and held onto him as if my life depended on it. I sobbed harder because I knew it was true. Despite the horrors I'd witnessed by his hand, I was unable to hate him for it.

Love, it turned out, was not a choice.

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