XIII. Stipulations

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We were both quiet as we walked back to cottage

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We were both quiet as we walked back to cottage. The intensity of the altercation with the three hikers was incredibly draining. I silently wondered when the universe would finally cut me some slack. Mostly, though, I was just thankful that I was still in one piece.

When Alec and I arrived back at the cottage, we were greeted by Edward, Bella, Emmett, and Carlisle. They were standing in the yard in front of the cottage facing Jane, Felix, and Demetri. It appeared that Jane and Carlisle were having a conversation because the other vampires hung back and watched each other intently.

"Alec," Jane smiled sweetly at her brother.

She completely failed to acknowledge me, which sent a sharp pang of anger through me. I pushed my feelings aside; I didn't want her to feel like her bullying was getting to me.

"Jane," he hugged her after giving her an equally warm look. Then he turned his attention to the Cullens on the other side of the yard. "What brings you out here?"

I shuffled closer to the group, unsure of where to stand. I knew I was technically with the Volturi at that point, but I felt absolutely no loyalty to them. I couldn't forgive them for what happened to my family.

"We heard screaming," Carlisle said. "We wanted to make sure everything is okay."

"We're fine," Alec said simply. There was no reason to get into the gory details of our little stroll when Edward was poking around our thoughts anyway.

"We would like to remind you that killing humans isn't allowed out here," Edward said, his eyes lingering on Alec.

"My apologies," Alec smiled.

"We understand that mistakes happen, but please refrain in the future," Carlisle said amicably.

"Of course," Alec nodded.

"Edward mentioned something particularly interesting, brother," Jane said, turning to Alec. She wore a soft smile that contained insidious undertones.

I had a feeling that whatever she was about to say would be no good for me.

Alec looked at Edward curiously.

"Violet hasn't graduated high school yet," Jane said with too much interest.

I frowned deeply. It was the first time she said my name out loud. It kinda creeped me out.

"It's just one measly year," I said, glaring at Edward.

"Education is always important," Jane insisted. Her smug smile indicated that she knew very well that I didn't want to go back to school.

"It would be nice for you not to be cooped up in your room all day while we're here," Edward added.

"We don't know how long you intend on staying here in Forks, so school is the best option for you in the meantime," Jane said to me, with a cold smile.


I see...

Jane knew exactly what she was doing. She found a loophole. She found a way to torture me without getting in trouble with her brother.

"I already told you, Edward. This isn't your business," I snapped at him.

"He's only trying to help," Jane said with fabricated innocence. "It'll give you something to do until you're ready to go to Volterra. Plus, it appears you're already enrolled."

"Jane has a point," Alec said, looking at me.

I noticed that Felix and Demetri were hanging back quietly with amusement dancing in their eyes. I bit my lip as I refrained from saying something to them that I'd regret.

"No," I crossed my arms stubbornly.

"I insist!" Jane exclaimed, her voice dripping with spiteful glee. "You start your classes on Monday."

I could tell by the hard look in her eyes that I wasn't going to be able to get out of it. I could've appealed to Alec for clemency, but I had to pick my battles. His bond with his sister was incredibly strong and I had no idea how I could compete with that.

But if Jane thought she would get away with pushing me around, she had another thing coming.

"Okay, I'll go," I said coolly.

Jane grinned ear to ear.

"But, I don't feel comfortable going alone," I continued. "With all of the werewolves out there. And what about other vampires? If anyone found out that I'm associated with the Volturi..."

I looked at Alec with exaggerated concern. The look of concern he mirrored was genuine.

"I would feel so much better if Jane went to school with me," I said, looking squarely at Jane.

She narrowed her eyes, giving me a glare that was sharp enough to kill.

"That's a really good point. You would be safer with us close to you," Alec nodded.

"Alec, you're not seriously considering--" Jane protested.

"It's for the best," Alec insisted.

"Great! This is going to be so much fun," I said brightly.

"We can't let them roam around unattended," Bella said defensively. "They've been here for, like, a day and they've already killed three people!"

"Perhaps you and Edward should enroll, as well," Carlisle suggested.

"Won't people recognize us?" Bella quickly.

"I don't foresee it being a problem. Enough time has passed," Carlisle reassured her.

Bella looked almost as pissed as Jane did.

"That's a wonderful idea," Edward agreed with Carlisle.

"It's just one measly year," I said to Jane, trying not to laugh. I thoroughly enjoyed watching her squirm.

"Of course, Violet," Jane gave me a forced smile. "Whatever is best for you."

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