XXVI. Impact

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"I've been thinking

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"I've been thinking..." Alec said, leaning against my bedroom doorway.

"Oh, yeah?" I said, keeping my eyes on the mirror in front of me. I was perched in front of a vanity, brushing out and re-styling my hair for the night. It was a quiet Wednesday evening, and we had plans to go out and pantomime dinner together.

"Since you and I are already going to dinner this weekend, I was thinking Jane could go out with you today, instead," he said airily.

"What?" I laughed, genuinely tickled. "We're going out to dinner with Jacob and Renesmee. That's totally different."

"That's my point, exactly. I've agreed to spend some time with your friends, so," he shrugged.

"So, it's only fair?" I said, giving him a blasé look through the mirror.

"It would be nice if the two of you spent some time together."

"We hang out all of the time." I turned to look at him after spritzing my raven curls with hairspray. "I had a whole conversation with her today."

"On the drive home from school," Alec reminded me.

"And at lunch!" I said defensively.

"It would be nice if the two of you spent some time together, alone," he clarified.

"Alone," I repeated. My brain was reluctant to process his request. Unfortunately, there was no way around it.

Alec chuckled.

"Alec. She's going to kill me," I said adamantly.

"Your life is in more danger around Jane than around Jacob? Or Renesmee, for that matter?"

"Renesmee would never hurt me," I said, indignant.

"Unless she's not being careful around you," he corrected.

"And Jane doesn't slip up?"

"Jane certainly has more self control than any of those Cullens," Alec said gravely.

I shook my head, not bothering to respond to his jab at the Cullen coven.

"She won't hurt you, Violet," Alec said earnestly. "I promise."

"Physically," I muttered.

Alec continued to stare, choosing not to respond to my jab, either.

"Okay, I'll do it," I surrendered.

"Great!" Alec beamed. He crossed the room and kissed the top of my head.

"I would say you owe me, but..." I giggled, tipping my head back.

"I assure you, one evening with my sister will be much less painful than the one with the dog," he smirked.

"You're biased," I teased.

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