Together Again

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Genuinely not proud of this chapter at all but :")

⊱ ────── {.⋅ 🐺⋅.} ────── ⊰

"...I'm coming home."

Chan had waited eagerly to finally, finally say these words.

He wondered how his pack members would react, how his babies would react, but mostly Felix.

It was odd, to not know what the other was feeling all the time, to not feel his presence mingling with his own, his chest feeling hollow with a constant ache that came with being apart from his mate for so long.

The more time he spent away from his pack, the more he realised how much he relied on them and he could only hope to be welcomed back with open arms.

Seungmin wasn't exactly happy with his decision.

Yet he didn't complain outwardly as Chan left with the elf he called father.

And now, after years, he was going to see everyone again.

The past few years were tough, spending multiple nights dreaming about holding his mate in his arms, only to wake up, desperately searching for his omega and then crashing back to reality to find that he wasn't here with him.

Eventually he chose not to sleep, doing anything possible to ignore the overbearing desire to shut his eyes by fighting, training his stamina, until his body shut down. Only to repeat the process again and again.

But he could stop now.

He could hold Felix now.

Chan sprinted in his wolf form, dodging trees and jumping rivers and streams, pushing passed the burn building in his limbs and forced himself to move faster.

And soon enough, he was surrounded by familiar trees, but he refused to slow down, familiar scents and familiar sights making his heart race at the thought of finally coming home.

His father had tried to convince him to stay with him, but Chan didn't hesitate to refuse the elf, simply saying his goodbyes to the ones he travelled with before shifting into his majestic wolf.

The lycan slowed to a trot, breathing heavily as the tip of the lodge came to sight.

He was nervous.

He'd never felt this apprehensive when it came to meeting people, let alone his own pack.

Maybe he was scared to see how much they've changed without him, frightened to see how much they've changed because Chan couldn't be with them to be the alpha he promised to be.

Once again he had started sprinting at full speed, noticing two wolves running up to him but neither of them stopped, eventually colliding harshly and tumbling to the ground, tails wagging incessantly.

Their wolves whined and howled frantically in greeting, Chan laying on his back as Changbin and Minho scented him heavily, licking his snout and biting him everywhere possible. The older reciprocated, despite trying his best to stay still so that his pack mates didn't feel overwhelmed with the full force of his alpha pheromones.

He let out a huff when an extra weight jumped on him, his lungs giving out with Seungmin's wolf.

He missed his wolves so much.

Chan wasn't even given the chance to greet them properly with how much they were all over him like overgrown puppies- he adored them all so much but he really needed to breathe.

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