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⊱ ────── {.⋅ 🐺⋅.} ────── ⊰

Peeking over Chan's shoulder, Felix saw a crowd of wolves, in both forms, sitting in packs along the grass, on logs, mingling amongst themselves whilst all facing the rise of the moon. It was almost identical to the human tradition they called a wedding.

Except for the much more feral but somehow tamed exhilaration in the humid air, with wolves pouncing around the small streams that migrated from the main body of water- he didn't fail to catch sight of his pack at the very front through the trees that covered Chan and Felix, all huddled close in the grass and trying to pull Chinhae and Hyunki apart.

His right hand that rested on his mate's shoulder was held loosely by the latter, who soon turned to face Felix whilst placing gentle kisses along his knuckles and moving up to kiss the omega's rushing pulse through the thin skin over his wrist.

"Just like we practiced mírë, just you and me."

Releasing a puff of air, his lungs on the verge of collapsing with how harshly he exhaled, Felix pressed their foreheads together, before nodding and trying his utter best to convey all his love, nerves, adoration and joy through their bond and his gaze.

Sharing a calming kiss, Felix rested his palm on Chan's forearm that was held out for him and quietly whispered for the trees to part for them.

The sight of the trees moving in sync easily gained the crowd's attention, all turning to stare (in awe) at the couple that sauntered through the splitting sea of wolves.

As they reached the top where the moonlight spread without interference, Felix glanced at the seven elders that stood in a semicircle around them, head tilted down in a bow.

Both bowed back before Chan cupped the back of his mate's head gently and Felix unconsciously leaned closer, the older's lips brushing over his heavily accessorised ear.

"Gi melin mírë."

"Love you too Channie," Felix mouthed back, watching the alpha move to stand beside their pack that stood right behind and take their twins in his arms, Chinhae coming to stand in front of the older, beaming happily at Felix.

Sending his pups a flying kiss, the omega, soon to be queen, turned back to face the elders.

Now wasn't a good time to remember when his pack decided to rehearse with him and Chan, everyone taking on the role of the elders in white sheets that were supposed to resemble the lavish robes the elders paraded in. It was nothing but the embodiment of chaos and an unadulterated nuisance for his mate who probably lost the will to breathe a few seconds in.

Most likely when Jisung messed up his lines leading to Hyunjin laughing until he couldn't breathe and Seungmin muttering under his breath, and in turn embarrassing the beta who shifted to Minho, only to see his very own mate trying his very best to hold in his own cackles, cheeks puffed, eyes red and teary. His final option was to fall dramatically into Chan, the alpha not amused in the slightest as Jisung wailed in his arms, and looking off into the distance as he regretted his life choices.

When Felix returned to reality, every wolf in the opening was kneeling except for himself and the seven dressed in white robes.

This was it.

Eyes hidden by the vast hood of the robe, the one standing directly in front of the omega stepped forward, a small smile visible as they took Felix's hands in theirs and placed an unsheathed dagger in his left and a spherical glass filled with wolfsbane in his right. 

To protect and to sacrifice.

"Chosen by the Alpha King himself, you stand here to take an oath in the presence of the Moon Goddess and her children. We pray you earn the Gods' blessings as you take the pledge."

They stood back with the rest of the elders who kneeled in sync, leaving Felix to be the only one standing.

Even the trees stilled to hear the omega, a deafening silence suffocating him.

But Felix had never felt so sure of himself before.

Voice clear and steady, Felix tightened his grip around the sharpened end of the dagger, unflinching as he let his blood drip and intoxicate the wolfsbane as he recited his promises to his kind.

"I solemnly promise to protect every wolf as those of my own pack, to love and shield with every ounce of me. 

I solemnly promise to eliminate those who fall weak with sin at the expanse of my own.

I solemnly promise to be the Luna desired of all.

As queen, all this promise to do. The things which I have here before promised, I will perform and keep. So help me Gods. Lead me in equity, Luna."

Just as he finished speaking, he raised the glass to his lips and downed the concoction of blood and bane as the moon glowed in acceptance and wolves howled in harmony till it rang through the forest, leaves rustling in delight.

Felix was Queen.


As the howls of the wolves slowly shifted into animalistic cheers, Chan had approached Felix and tugged him closer by his waist, only to steal his breath in a fervent, knee-buckling kiss that had the younger dropping the dagger and globe-shaped glass hurriedly to clutch onto the alpha's arms that held him in a bruising grip. The cheers soon switched to catcalls and whistles and Felix could only have hoped for the ground to swallow him whole as he hid his mortified face in his alpha's neck.

But Chan paid no heed to his shyness and pulled his face away to peck his forehead (cue even more blushing) before he looped his arm with Felix's and led him to strangers in the crowd and introduced the younger to pack alphas and lunas and finished off by bringing him back to their own pack who gazed at them with so much joy and pride.

Jeongin and Jisung were hugging each other tightly whilst practically bouncing in place, their mates standing beside them, Minho carrying Mi-hi and Seungmin with He-a. Chinhae and Hynki were eagerly looking at him from rolling around in the grass, hair a complete mess but the sight was adorable and made Felix's heart clench at the sight and was Hyunjin crying?

Hurrying towards the long-haired beta, the omega was quick to hug him and provide comfort, looking at Changbin with a raised eyebrow and a frown.

'He's emotional,' the alpha mouthed whilst cupping a side of his mouth, the other holding De-a's hand.

"I'm sorry- I don't know why I'm crying- it's just- you're just- I'm so happy Lixie," Hyunjin sniffed heavily before pulling away from the hug to look at Felix properly, hands on his shoulder. The blonde offered the beta a watery grin, because fuck he was emotional too, however, this only set off the beta who burst out into even louder sobs. "I'm so glad you're here Felix, we love you so much," Hyunjin uttered brokenly.

Felix glared internally at the tear that betrayed him and rolled down his cheek."Don't cry Jinnie."

"You too Luna."

The two giggled softly as the older kissed his tear away before falling against him, arms tight around the omega's torso, soon being joined by Jisung and Jeongin and eventually all of them.

"No more tears," declared Chan through the pack link. "It is a day to celebrate."

⊱ ────── {.⋅ 🐺⋅.} ────── ⊰

Literally bullshitted my way through this chapter- it's been too long since I've written anything so I'm sorry if it was awkward to read in some places jfsjkfmgnd

so close to the end- three chapters left <3

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