An Angry Pup

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So sorry for the late updates

Soft angst I think?

⊱ ────── {.⋅ 🐺⋅.} ────── ⊰

"Hae-ya, let me in please," Felix knocked on the door once again, frowning heavily.

Chan had first seen De-a and He-a, bursting into tears the moment he laid his eyes on his twin pups who were in their playpen and holding onto the fence, bouncing in uncontrollable joy once they saw their father.

It was an emotional sight for the omega waiting by the door, eyes heavy with tears and a soft smile, wishing to give his mate all the time he needed.

"Oh my precious babies, Goheno nin, Gwannas lû and*."

The alpha fell to his knees and was quick to pull his daughters into his arms, shoulders trembling with his silent cries as he heavily scented his pups, both father and daughters purring in contentment.

Felix was so lost in the scene in front of him, a wet chuckle escaping him when De-a cupped Chan's cheeks and rubbed their nose together, He-a babbling without stopping to breathe, and the alpha nodding along despondant, as though he was being scolded. But the omega was slow to notice the fact that Chinhae wasn't in the room with his sisters.

It immediately peaked his interest in the wrong way- Chinhae never left his sisters alone.

He left the twin's room silently, and followed the trail of honey and musk, his nose twitching with the sour twinge that laced Chinhae's scent.

The blonde was led to the pup's own room (that was rarely ever occupied with said pup, too busy taking up space in everyone else's bed but his own), and was faced with a shut door.

So he knocked and waited, hoping for the alpha pup to open the door for him, unwilling to break his trust by opening the door without consent.

But when Chinhae refused to even reply, his frown deepened.

"Little love, let me in and I promise to make whatever is wrong, go away."

All Felix heard were sniffles before the door creaked open slightly revealing a downcast, glowering Chinhae.

The omega rushed to pull his upset pup into his arms, carrying him to his bed and sat on the edge with Chinhae in his lap, head resting on his chest and legs thrown over his left thigh.

"What's wrong baby?"

The alpha pup looked up at his mama, eyes filled with guilt and glistening with unshed tears. " 'm angry and I don't like it. Don't wanna be crying and-and so angry," Chinhae rubbed at his eyes with the back of his fist aggressively, making the sensitive skin around his eyes flush with the rough treatment.

Holding his fists, Felix pulled the pup's hands away from his face and gently soothed the redness with tender rubs, reminding the alpha pup to be kind to himself.

"Why are you angry little love? It's okay to feel angry and it's definitely more than okay to cry. It's not wrong to feel things baby, but thank you for telling me," the omega whispered, pecking the freckles that decorated the bridge of his nose. "Now can you tell me why?"

"I don't know," Chinhae pouted, hiding his face in Felix's shirt and fisting the material in his small palm.

"That's okay. But why don't we go say hi to papa? He's missed you so much."



The pup had pushed away to reply, screaming accidentally in his haste.

But it was enough for the blonde omega to connect the dots.

"Chinhae, are you angry at papa?"

The pup nodded, then shook his head, then nodded once more before letting out a frustrated growl that was more adorable than frightening.

Just as he growled, Chan had made his way to the room, head peering around the corner with De-a and He-a still in his arms.

And when Felix's head snapped up to look at his mate, the sudden movement caught the alpha pup's attention, turning his head to see his father.

The omega should have seen it coming and should have warned his now very confused and worried mate of Chinhae's emotional state because the pup whined softly before bursting into loud sobs, staring at the alpha.

Felix sighed.

This was going to be a tough one for Chan.

Yet the blonde still placed Chinhae next to him before kneeling infront and kissed his forehead, wiping away his tears before walking up to Chan.

He caressed the alpha's cheekbone, smiling at him reassuringly despite the fear and distress radiating from Chan and pressed their foreheads together.

"Just talk to him and I promise everything will be okay."


"I'll be in our room then."

That was all he said before taking his daughters from Chan and exiting.

Chan approached slowly, taking a seat on the floor, facing Chinhae instead of sitting next to him.

The pup was nothing like he remembered- no longer the small, stumbling baby who'd hold onto his fingers wherever he went, always wanting to be close to him.

So much has changed.

"Hey little star," Chan barely croaked out, afraid of the pup lashing out.

Chinhae continued to stare at him, tears falling steadily.

"Don't cry pup," he placed a hand out, waiting patiently for Chinhae to holding it, waiting for permission to hold him in his arms. "I'm here now. I promise I won't go anywhere anymore."

His words for all it took for Chinhae to slide down the bed and fall into his lap, arms wound tightly around his neck.

However, he yelped loudly when teeth were harshly shoved into his skin under Chinhae's head, a growl ripping through his throat involuntarily but he hastened to cut the snarl short, letting Chimhae take his anger out on him.

Even if his wolf didn't like it.

So he waited patiently for his pup to pull away.

And when be did, he noticed Chinhae was much calmer now, so he tightened his hold around him whilst rubbing his scent glands over his pup, just enough to relax him completely.


"I'm sorry."

"Don't be baby, I'm not mad. And I'm sorry aswell. For leaving and making you angry."

"Next time, take us with you. Mama was so sad without you. And me. I missed you Ada, so so much," uttered the worn out lycan pup.

"There is no next time little star, I won't leave you, De-a, He-a or Mama ever again," Chan replied, swallowing past the clog in his throat.

When Chan made his way to Felix, Chinhae fast asleep back in his own room, the first thing he did was face plant the bed before wiggling to lay his head on his mate's stomach and curled around the omega, a huge, exhausted breath leaving him.

Felix didn't say anything, simply running his fingers through Chan's overgrown hair, letting his blunt fingernails scratch the alpha's scalp in an act of comfort.

He really missed this.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ 🐺⋅.} ────── ⊰

Goheno nin, Gwannas lû and- Forgive me, it's been too long.

I hate when people invalidate feelings- you can't control what you feel and it is not wrong to feel whatever it is that you feel. It's what makes us human after all.

Anyways emotional, soft smut next chapter

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