So Beautiful

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Again, I'm so sorry for the late updates, school is such a pain

smut as promised  but I did not expect this chapter to come out so long so I'm sorry if it bores you<3

⊱ ────── {.⋅ 🐺⋅.} ────── ⊰

Chan didn't notice when Felix slipped out of his arms as he dozed off surrounded by his omega's scent.

But he was coaxed awake gently by Felix massaging his nape and running his warm hands down his shoulders, one knee perched up on the edge of their bed.

"The bath is ready."

He grumbled incoherently, too snug to move and only burrowed himself deeper into Felix's pillow.

Amused, the blonde leaned in closer and placed multiple short pecks all over his face, but never his lips making the alpha chase after him and successfully getting Chan halfway out of bed.

"C'mon Channie, I'll let you sleep after."

So the alpha rolled out of bed and let Felix lead the way as he held onto his tiny fingers.

The two didn't speak after that. 

There was no need to.

Even as Chan removed the shorts Felix had given him before he saw his twins, and let his body sink in the hot bath, a large sigh of relief escaping his parted lips and his eyes hooded over.

The freckled omega sat on the rim of the tub and set to work, lathering shampoo between his palms and working it into Chan's hair and scalp before using his hands to cup the water and rinse the suds away. He then doused the alpha's purple hair in oils that would condition the hair, all whilst ignoring said alpha's soft gaze that never left him.

He then used a washcloth to scrub at Chan's body, making sure to use little pressure around old and fresh wounds, both their wolves purring in content.

"This wasn't here before," Felix muttered as his fingers hovered above a shallow but large wound that ran from the back of his elbow and down to the base of his palm.

"There are quite a few new ones actually," the alpha replied, unbothered and lax, letting their fingers interlace loosely.

However, Felix frowned, only now noticing the shades of blue and reds splattered across the expanse of his mate's body.

Humming, he left the older, reminding him to not stay in too long as he hurried to his apothecary, gathering needed materials.

When he returned to their room, Chan was drying his hair with a towel lethargically, slouched over with his eyes closed and close to falling off the edge of the bed.

So Felix did the first thing that came to mind and pushed the alpha back till he was lying flat on his back and climbed on top of him, straddling his thighs.

"Stay still."

Chan, in his worn-out state, didn't even flinch when his mate cleaned up his wounds and dressed them accordingly, so close to falling into the clutches of Hypnos.

Still, the older forced his eyes to stay open as he gazed at his mate, observing all his little quirks and traits- the way his tongue peeked between his plump lips as he focused on being as gentle as possible with Chan's wounds, his indigo eyes glossed over and completely absorbed with his task, his movements slow, fingers steady and deliberate but tender against his weary skin.

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