Like Father Like Son

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⊱ ────── {.⋅ 🐺⋅.} ────── ⊰

The day Felix told him he was pregnant for the very first time (with Chinhae), the alpha had always daydreamed about this very moment- the day he'd run with his pup in their true forms.

It was one precious moment every father held close to them, a wolf tradition of pups going on their first runs with their dads, that is later shared fondly with the pup once they grew. It was a moment that many described as near paralysing, the feeling of pride, joy and the pure state of fulfilment riddling every cell in their body. It was this one moment that kept the alpha king from giving up on his draining journey and he was all the luckier to be able to experience said moment more than once because he will be the one to bring his daughters as well.

But for the hard part.

Convincing the near six-year-old to shift.

"C'mon Hae-ya, you've done this before, you can do it again hm?" His mate stood in front of him, his own wolf form towering above Felix even as he sat patiently on his hind legs, tail swaying with De-a and He-a clinging onto it, their giggles floating in the warm breeze.

Chinhae was in the omega's arms, his eyes switching from staring at Felix to peering into Chan's dual coloured eyes.

And without having to do much convincing, the young pup nodded firmly before wiggling out of Felix's hold and took in a deep breath, his chubby cheeks puffing with air and his chest raised, fists clenched and eyes shut tightly and before long, a blonde, fluffy and tiny wolf pup tumbled into Chan's front paw.

"Oh my fuck he is so precious," Chan whispered breathlessly into his mindlink with his mate, his heart constricting with everything he felt. "And he looks just like you mírë."

Felix giggled, leaning down to help Chinhae balance on his four paws before releasing him to stand back and watch as the alpha laid on his belly to let the blonde pup sniff, lick and crawl all over him with too much energy.

And soon, Chinhae was lying on his back, pawing gently at Chan's snout with small yips as the alpha happily groomed his pup and heavily scented him, rubbing his snout and cheek all over the small wolf that was barely the size of both his paws put together.

But that wouldn't last long, especially since he was an alpha pup. Who knows, maybe he'd grow to be bigger than the WolfKing himself.

Pining Chinhae down by dropping his head on the pup playfully, Chan gazed all too fondly as the pup refused to back down and squirmed to get away. 

He wasn't going anywhere with the weight of the alpha's head on him, but the thought was adorable.

But, he turned his stare to his mate from the corner of his eyes and he purred lowly, glad to see Felix enjoyed the view as well.

"Hop on ginig."

"Hm, give me a sec," the omega muttered as he coaxed their twins to release the poor strands of the older's tail and placed them on top of Chan (with a lot of effort and tiptoeing) before grunting as he pulled himself up as well, pinching the alpha wolf when he felt his chest rumble with humour. "So funny. Ha. Ha."

"Sorry, sorry my fault-"

"So you know it IS your fault at least."

"I don't always complain about how big-"

"Nevermind I think I'll just walk," Felix attempted to get off, only for Chan to stand abruptly, the omega's chances of escaping depleting to zero.

"Rude! Fuck you!"

"Sure little one. Later."

At this, Felix let out an exasperated groan, both De-a and He-a turning to look at him with worried eyes.

The omega only gave them a defeated smile, silently praying for himself whilst simultaneously cursing himself for the grave he dug as he wrapped an arm around the twins to steady them despite Chan's slow as a snail pace that was apparently perfect for Chinhae, who used his father's moving limbs as obstacles, intervening between them as he ran.

When they arrived at their destination, Chinhae immediately dropped to the floor, exhausted beyond reason, Chan having to grasp the pup by the scruff of his neck before letting him rest by the rushing stream which immediately caught his attention, making him look to his parents expectantly. 

And when they both nodded, the pup yipped before gulping down mouthfuls of water till he once again, dropped to the mossy ground, sighing in relief.

Felix grinned adoringly at his pup's antics as he slid down Chan's wolf, grunting as both De-a and He-a threw themselves at him without warning. 

Letting them crawl around curiously, the omega squatted to the floor, sighing as his muscles stretched after sitting in the same position for a while before following in Chinhae's footsteps and dropped to the ground, arms and legs spread out in a star, only for the older alpha to lay right on top of him, practically suffocating him.

Despite this, he didn't complain and simply wrapped himself around the wolf, sighing happily.

He was truly relieved Chinhae was willing to shift with Chan. Otherwise, it would have truly become a problem.

"I was thinking we have your coronation here."

"My what," Felix uttered bluntly, completely thrown off by the randomness.

"Y'know, when I officially introduce you as my Queen."

Oh. Right. That.

It wasn't that the blonde didn't want- far from that actually. He just forgot.

But the older was onto something.

The clearing was large enough and more than pretty enough with the majority of the extensive clearing flat land covered in grass and moss, circled in with grey rocks and then vast trees and a stream curving through and if Felix asked nicely, could be safe enough with the trees.

"That would be nice. Who would be coming?"

"Everyone who is willing, but especially the council and pack leaders."

"That's not too bad then..." the omega whispered, unsure.

"Don't worry mírë, we'll all be here too, and it's only for a few hours- the rest we can spend with our pack alone."

That didn't sound bad at all.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ 🐺⋅.} ────── ⊰

sorry for the short chap but I'm excited for the next few chaps hehe <3

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