A Decision

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To my dearest readers,

I have come to a decision. The Ology series is over and done with- the spin off will not be happening. It has been amazing to have you all by my side through the novellas and I'm glad you all liked them enough to keep reading. Maybe some day you'll read some other novel of mine and I'll get such a great reception like I have had here.

Goodbye, my readers.

.........HA! ^
Did you fall for that?! XD

I could never do that to you all! <3

Plus it doesn't feel natural NOT writing... I'm so used to Psychology, Sociology, Criminology and Archaeology that... only having one to work on is... not natural... Not normal...

Angelology will be the first of the spin offs and most likely up soon! XD

Sorry if I scared you :D

I have begun writing Angelology and I must say... From what I have planned, you guys will LOVE it! At least, I hope you will.... So give it a chance guys!

Love ya all,

-Your Author Izzy x

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