Chapter 6 Preview

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((A.N.// Me: ....Woah...

Matt: ...Tense chapter...


Me: I don't know! I don't control my stories- they write themselves! I type, I don't think! I bet that's put all the readers on edge xD We're... 5 or 6 chapters from the end. The story isn't over yet! How will they get out of the place? Where's Kayen? What's going to happen? Stay tuned to find out! :D I'm going to try and finish this before New Year xD 

Matt: 0.0 My carrier took over...

Me: Yep! :D

Matt: ................SHIT'S GONNA GO DOWNNNNNNN!

Mello: .... *face palms* 

Me: Enjoy this preview guys! :D Oh, and Amelia? I've thought of a way to do this Beta thing, so... Message me privately please and I'll explain my idea to you :D

ENJOY FOLKS! The rest of Chapter 6 should be up by.... Hmm... Wednesday. I'll get it up by Tuesday if I get 5 questions from you guys for characters in my Ology books... Just saying... ;)

Matt: *mutters* Damn she's evil.

Mello: Damn right.

Me: *innocent smile* Evil? Me? No... impossible...))

Mello P.O.V.

I'm so glad I left Nick at the apartment.



My eyes stung with the overpowering colour; my body trembled; my heart was racing a mile a minute; my hands dangled uselessly at my sides; my body was frozen to the spot- and yet, I still wanted to reach out. I wanted to pull him into my arms and tell him it was okay. I wanted to tell him I was here, and he didn't need to worry anymore. He didn't need to be harmed anymore. I'd protect him. He was my best friend... I wouldn't let him die. I wouldn't let him be hurt anymore. I'd keep him safe. I'd come to save him. 

But I doubted there was anything left to save.

It looked like an atomic bomb had hit. Chairs had been flung around the room, machinery was broken, and I was sure the flesh that rolled to my feet used to be an arm. With a grimace of disgust, I kicked it away from me without glancing down at my shoes. I'd need to deep clean them now. Scratch that, I'd throw them out. Didn't want anything that had someone else's blood on at any point.

Damn, I really liked those shoes.

Swallowing and pushing back my pointless thoughts, I glanced around the room. The lights flickered, temporarily plunging the room into the abyss, but I dismissed it instead of blaming those poor lights. I mean, I wouldn't work either if I'd been broken and were dangling precariously down from the ceiling. I met Ash's eyes before she looked around, trying to find Matt. Well, that was kind of what we were all doing. I looked ahead, and saw a cage.

Well, if that could even be called a cage anymore.

Bars were missing like someone had torn them out to prove a point. A couple of the remaining bars were scattered around on the ground, and I knelt down to grab one for defence. The last few things of interest I noticed about the cage were that someone had bent two bars... like they had bent them enough to... to escape


My group didn't dare to say a word. BB wasn't there- he was at the apartment with Nick despite his reservations that this was a stupid idea and that we needed his help-, so Ash and Ryuk looked slightly ruffled at not having their team mate, but unbothered about the blood and gore. L had plastered on his emotionless mask and his black eyes were scowering the area with no regard. It was like he had expected that. And Maddy...

The poor girl clung to Ryuk's arm, her eyes wide with surprise and devastation and full of tears. We shouldn't have brought her.

The lights flickered again snapping me out of my analysis, and as a computer sparked I could clearly hear a whimper of terror from my right. Snapping my head in that direction, all I could see were a load of scientific equipment that I couldn't be bothered to name. Nothing special. Until I saw the kid.

He was shaking, hugging his knees, and his eyes were squeezed shut. Tears fell down his cheeks, diving off of his skin when they found his chin and leaving little splash marks on the floor. Dressed in a lab coat. I raised an eyebrow. The kid's a scientist? Who the hell hires a kid to do an adults job?

Glancing at L, I nodded my head towards the kid. He started to walk over before the lights went completely off for a minute. I could hear everyone breathing near me, and I just focused on my own breathing. In. Out. In. Out. Calm. I swallowed as I felt breath on the back of my neck, my hairs standing on end. The room suddenly felt ten degrees colder, and a twisted, manic voice breathed a laugh from behind me before it spoke. "So you finally came, Melsy?"

"Matty, you idiot." I grimaced and the lights came back on. Spinning around, I realised he was gone. "Shit..." I glanced at the others. "I think we need to get out of here."

Ryuk nodded slightly and Ash walked over to the boy, crouching down and grabbing his arm. Yanking the whimpering, terrified teen to his feet, she walked to me and shoved him into my arms. Catching him, I rolled my eyes as he grabbed my shirt, terrified. "What's your name, kid?"

"J-James." He muttered shakily and I smiled at him, pushing back the urge to scoff at him.

"Nice to meet you."

"Well well well. What do we have here?" Our short conversation came to a halt, and I snapped my head towards the doorway. And there... stood Nick's father.

"So it's the dickhead."

"Please, it's Kayen. But call me Kay."

"Whatever, dumbass. What the hell do you want?"

Kayen gave me an amused smirk as Ryuk and Maddy hurried to my other side, and L stood in front of us. "Well-"

"Kay." Matt's voice rang out and I noticed him on the otherside of Ryuk. He stepped forward slowly as if trying to keep his control in tack, but his eyes were slowly becoming more grey. His jaw was taunt, and he kept taking ragged breaths. I frowned. He looked like shit. "Long time."

"You." Kayen growled angrily and glared at my best friend. I felt a flare of protectiveness, but I pushed it down as I moved our group away from Matt and the freak. Matt glanced at me and met my eyes, before he gave me a twisted smile and looked at Kayen.

"Die." He snarled, before he launched himself at the man...

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