Chapter 3

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((Me: Hi! :D So, I has a dilemma...

Mello: *sighs* Here we go...

Me: I've been rereading Psychology and... wow.

Mello: Wow? 0.0

Matt: Say what?

Me:...The amount of grammatical errors and Mello and Matt going out of character... Wow... Please, point out my flaws xD Not in a harsh way, but like nicely please xD I'm editing Psychology slowly, like if you want to nip back to chapter... 7 I think it is? When Mello tells Near he wanted to be his friend? The rant has been altered, and it's still got the same purpose... just it's more Mello xD Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter... And I'd really love something-
1. Amelia, would you please be my beta or editor or whatever? PLEASEEEE! It's up to you... I mean, you don't have to be xD I just means I give you permission to give me a kick up the ass and make me upload quicker, as well as helping me make sure things make sense and are spelt right xD
2. Vote, read and review please! :D

I own nothing except Nick, his father, the scientists and this version of Sam, as well as the plot line xD

Ummm... I've been considering doing a 'character questioning' thing xD If you wanna do it, just comment and I'll get one of them- *points behind me*- to answer them xD This includes dead characters and characters just introduced, by the way xD It's only an idea, doesn't have to happen xD

Note: This chapter... yeah, it's a filler. But I'm not really happy with it, so if you guys don't like it then it shall be rewritten xD It's set a month after the last chapter!

If there's OOC-ness or whatever it is of Matt, please... just.... don't kill me xD Tried thinking of how he'd react, but I had to take into consideration everything that's happened xD

Oh, and... I used the third person bit of this for my english coursework, it's only the rough draft... but you guys are my critics, so... xD

Oh, also... I UNDERSTAND YOUR PAIN AT MY CLIFFHANGERS NOW! XD I was reading a book and it ended on a cliffhanger and I'm surprised you guys haven't killed me yet xD


Mello: Oh god... *face palms*))

Third Person
Two Years Ago

Why, God?

He stood there, frozen with the carriers closing in on him. She was dead- gone. Forever. His angel. His princess. They had devoured her- he'd seen them rip the skin from her face; her arms; her legs; he'd seen them take her heart from her chest, that huge heart of hers that accepted anyone and anything, and bite into it like it was nothing more than a meal. Her blood ran through their human-like fingers and left a trail on the floor, red spots of cooling life force just left there, waiting patiently for the main pool to slowly drift and connect with them. None of them cared she had a family. None of them cared that she was meant to be with him- me, damn it, not with the grim reaper!- and alive. She was just their next meal. Their next supplier. She was eaten without a care and her man stood there, watching pieces of her fall to the ground and not being picked up or cleaned away. It was like she meant nothing. Like his girl meant nothing at all. She was just another human, sacrificed to the oncoming storm that was undeniably death.

Why plague us? What did we do to you?

He was an atheist man- a man without a religion. Yet still, as they began swarming him, he found himself thinking of the great being he was taught to respect by his Catholic parents. It was inevitable, he thought bitterly, that as his beautiful girl was torn to shreds, all he could do was stand there and think of an imaginary figure that had originally brought hope to people but now brought despair. It did nothing to help him- he knew that, yet still he found himself asking unanswerable questions.

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