Chapter 5

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((A.N.// Me: Hey guys! :D It's me again! And it's nearly Christmas, so... I'm going to update as frequently as possible. I just wish that... one day, I become an author. A published one. And... if I do, I'm going to thank you guys because if it weren't for the hundreds of reads I get- thousands in some cases-, I wouldn't be writing. I would've given up ages ago because I would've thought I was no good at it. So... this is a Christmas gift from me. And I hope you all like how I plan this story to go.

Matt: Yeah, Izzy's quite right there... I mean, she's written a story she hasn't uploaded onto here, and it's almost complete now. It's been dubbed 'Mason' by Izzy after the main character, and she's two chapters from the end... she tries to work on multiple books at the same time. Once Mason's finished, she'll update ten times more often... and she'll also be sending it (as in the book she's not got on here, not the Ology series as... they're pretty messy) to publishers... so... thanks.

Mello: Alright you two, shut it -.-' Onto the story, we hope you like this chapter and... shout out to the voters and commenters. Enjoy.

Me: *mumbles* He needs to loosen up a bit..))

Mello P.O.V.


The murderer glared at the intruders as they stood there, shaken and not knowing what to do. I was frozen to the spot, BB's fingers still on my shoulders, and blood was slowly running down my arm. It felt weird- like a thick syrup, clinging to my arm as it crawled down my arm and left a path of red behind- and I couldn't help but wonder what would happen. Would BB do something? I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye and frowned deeply. No. He was paler than usual with the bags under his eyes reminding me of those from a corpse. BB seemed to be breathing heavily like it was taking most of his strength to stay stood up, and he was leaning heavily on me.

So it was a stale mate. The intruders couldn't attack us for fear that BB would attack, and we couldn't attack in case they fought back and killed BB... At least, that's what I wanted to say. I wanted to say there was no chance of them attacking and they walked out of our makeshift HQ with their tails between their legs like pathetic dogs... but...

Things usually don't go the way you want them to in real life.

The main intruder sneered at us like an animal with its prey, patronizing and scheming. He was an animal in human form; a wolf in sheep's clothing; a creature originally lurking in the dark to claw out the eyes of a human that had been pulled into the light. There was a dark mess of hair on the top of his head, and gleaming golden eyes that screeched trouble. He stood a foot or so taller than BB and there was something about him that was familiar to me, as if I had seen him somewhere before, yet I knew I'd never seen this particular man before. "Pathetic. You're going to collapse any second- you really think you can protect anyone in your state?" He taunted BB, and I felt BB tighten his grip on my shoulders to the point where it was painful.

"Shut it, narwhal." BB ground out. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw movement behind the intruders, but I dismissed it until...

A head full of brown hair appeared behind them, and the cheeky, nervous and determined grin that belonged to the one and only Nicholas Jeevas met my disbelieving gaze. Nick looked at me as if to say I could depend on him before he gestured behind him with his head. And just like that, I couldn't see him anymore. I narrowed my eyes, but said nothing. 

The brat could do whatever he pleased. I just needed to think of a way out of this situation.

Intruder one- the main one- smirked, before he glanced over his shoulder at his subordinates. "Shoot to kill." 

Matt P.O.V.

I wasn't going to sit around and accept shit any longer. I wasn't going to be saved- No hero. That's me. I ain't the princess- I'm Luigi. One of the saviours. I wasn't going to give up like some wuss. A shadow covered my eyes as I listened to the scientists consider what to do with me next. What to try. They'd tried enough of their dodgy remedies. One of them nearly fucking killed me... it was like sharp, concentrated acid tearing through my veins like a rip in the sky. My body still tingled from the pain.

I mean, not that I was focusing on that or anything. The whole pain business. I preferred a more... calming focus program. Specifically the drifting thought that Mello wasn't actually dead. Come on. That guy was way too badass. And like he'd even let Nick die. Or the others. If only I could think of some way to contact them...

Ah, who am I kidding?

I pulled slightly on the restraints holding my hands, and looked at them in earnest. I had a plan. A pretty good one too. It just relied on the rustiness of the metal.


Mail. Its voice was weaker now that it was originally and it was starting to understand what emotions were... I could tell by the sorrow in its thought. I pushed back a smile at the fact. I wasn't meant to get fond of it, but with no one else to talk to.... Well...

Think you would be able to break my restraints and get me out the cell?


No? I fought back the urge to raise an eyebrow.

My carrier cackled coldly. Get you out. Kill them. Run.

I laughed out loud as I shook with anticipation and fear, and the scientists jumped whilst staring at me like I was just a monster. There was a rush... such a rush, I felt high on the euphoria of dark power. It was ten times better than the high I got from smoking. The feeling ran through my veins along with the desire for a simple cig like molten lava, and I let my eyes shut in satisfaction.

I would spend no more time in this damn cell.

Yeah, I'd get out.

"Test Subject! Stop!" One of the scientists squeaked, and I lazily opened my eyes again to look at them. He looked young, like a little kid shoved into an adult's world, and he was playing with the sleeve of his lab coat. Those brown eyes of his were so young... and naive. They hadn't seen the darkness outside these walls- the blood scraped across the roads, the flesh of humans that had been torn away from the bones littering up the streets, the death and destruction caused by both people and carriers. They hadn't seen the pain and suffering I'd seen; they hadn't been forced to watch people be pulled away from Whammy's gates by the Grim Reaper's personified form. They hadn't been outside. They had only seen what the other scientists had let them see- and it made the boy softer than the others.

To me, he looked like an older version of my little brother that was just more isolated from the despair outside, and sympathy played on my heart strings. Yet still, that emotion was flattened by my euphoria. And as I gave him a smile, the boy flinched into the wall.

It was the moment of truth. My lips parted to speak, and I noticed how a lot of the scientists jolted backwards. Satisfaction reared its large head again, and I fought to push it down. I could tell what they were wondering. What was I going to say? Was I going to hurt them with words?

"You know... have any of you heard the phrase 'One is All, and All is One?'" My voice had become raspy from the misuse, and the scientists glared at me with fright. I decided to continue.

"Guess not. It was in an anime I once watched." The restraints screeched in agony, and I could feel the strain on my bones. "There was this Truth guy, and you know what he said?"

The scientist I had focused on swallowed and slightly nodded his head. I met his eyes, and gave an ugly malformed grin.

"'I am the world. I am the universe. I am God. I am Truth. I am All. I am One. And...'"

My restraints gave a final scream before they broke, the sound of them clattering to the floor reiterating throughout the room.

"'I... am you.'"

My carrier took over.

I blacked out.


Mello P.O.V.

Ash got them from behind.

Ryuk dived out from the room where BB had been recovering, and attacked them that way.

We got them to lead us into their base.

And that's when we heard the terrified screams and shouts for mercy.


In the caves.

...Matt. Don't lose your humanity. Not yet.

We're nearly there.

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