Chapter 4

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((Me: Hehe.... Hehehehe.... MWAHAHAHAHA!

Matt: 0.0

Mello: 0.0

Matt: *turns to Mello whispering 'she's really lost it this time...'*

Me: Good day ladies and gentleman, it is I! Izzy the authoristical person!

Mello: *face palms whilst Matt gapes at her* Oh god... someone get the straight jacket... she needs a month in the isolation suite again...

Me: HEY! *glares before smiling innocently* I'm not crazy.... I'm just special :)

Matt: *whispers to Mello* Definitely crazy.

Mello: *whispers back* Agreed.

Me: *looks at them with demonic innocence* What did you two just say?! *cracks my knuckles with an anger mark on my head*

Matt and Mello: *run back far yelling* NOTHING NOTHING WE'RE INNOCENT!

Me: Good >:) Anyway guys, here's the new upload! :D Oh, and kiraarea11 knows me- so I guess he wouldn't mind if you had questions. Which you usually don't. And he better be nice and not reveal details -.-' Also I nearly stopped this chapter at the line, but... kiraarea11 looked like he was going to kill me, so I decided to continue onwards :)

Oh! And comment with questions if you want! As in, for the characters! I'm gonna do the question thingy- there will be a chapter dedicated to it if I get a lot of questions xD Any question, any character from Psychology, Sociology, Archaeology and Criminology! xD You'll get full length responses, so not like the little sketches there is in the author notes xD


Enjoy this short, tense chapter! :D

Contains Matt abuse, Mello abuse, ummm.... swearing.... pain... yeah... Vomiting...

Matt and Mello: *whisper together* Save us...))

Matt P.O.V.

And they pulled the trigger.

Electricity flooded my veins; my mind went blank; my memories vanished; my cells screamed for vengeance and relief. My body stiffened and I could hear someone yelling- was that me? I felt detached from everything, closed off. Frozen but moving. Cold but warm. My head flung back and crashed into the wall, pain flooding down my neck and a cool, warm substance ran down my neck. The hairs on my arms stood on end, and I couldn't tell if it was because of the cold that was seeping in my cell, or the electricity in my body.

And then it stopped, and I twitched with the residue.

God must really hate me.

"Oh Mail, what the hell have you gotten yourself into...?" The dead girl sighed as she threw some of her copper hair- too red, damn it, it was never that red!- over her shoulder. A pulsing heat stung the back of my head again, like the heat from a scolding hot poker, and I choked back a cry. It kept waking me up... kept yanking me from my world of pain and into this world with the dead girl sat in front of me, her wide brown eyes watching me with unclear judgment. With each breath she took, my soul blackened a bit more. "Hey, you listening to me?"

I raised my blurry eyes up from the murky floor to meet those eyes... Those brown eyes. Memories swam in my head, and my breath left me. Her brown eyes. My sister's brown eyes, just like I remembered them.

"Oh, Si..." My voice cracked with misuse, and I kept trembling. It was then that my first thought fluttered weakly into my mind: Not good.

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