Chapter 37

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"Will you move in with me?" He asks eagerly and I don't know whether to feel surprised or something else. I don't even know what to feel. I came home for the long weekend yesterday and I wouldn't say things with Edward are much better but it's been better than the previous week. 

"Babe, isn't it too early for that?" I asked, well, said. He doesn't look pleased. "I mean, we just started's not even been a year" I try to ease the little disappointment. 

"What, no...we're nineteen babe. Soon we'll be twenty" he adds. 

"I know, but I just can't move in with you. I'm not ready" I say walking to the living room. 

"Stop walking away!" He almost yelled which stopped me in my tracks. He comes closer. "What's so wrong in moving in together?" 

"It's not that it's wrong, it's just that I'm not-"

"What, you have another boyfriend?" He snapped. 

"What? No. Are you crazy Eddie-"

"Then why won't you just move in with me?" He pushes again

"I can't just leave everything like that, Fallon is already alone-"

"She's an adult," he states. 

"She's my sister. We have only each other. Plus, I'm already three hours away from her" I added being away because of college because I'm literally on my nerves now. 

"It's not like you're not gonna see each other" he scoffed and that just made my anger go into a whole nother level. 

"What's gotten into you?" 

"Nothing. You're just pissing me off right now" he says so casually. 

"Excuse me?"

"I'm not even asking you to pay for the Bill's or anything..." Wow, he isn't really going to let this go. 

"Eddie," I sighed. "I just feel it's too early to move in. We're still young and you have a family too. I have Fallon and it's just not the right time" I tried my best to explain. 

"Then, when?" He asked and I don't know if he's annoyed or angry. 

"What do you mean?" I don't know where this conversation is even going but I have a feeling it's probably not going to turn out well. 

"Stop saying that! I just can't get why you wouldn't want to live with me." He shouts. 

"I just told you why!" I tell him

"You know what Liya? The boys, basically the whole campus, are living in flats, apartments-" he mocks but continues "and we're still living with our families!" So that's what it is huh? 

"I don't see what's wrong in that" I retaliated. 

"We're like freaking babies! Don't you get it?!" He yells. 

"Who fed you with this- this bullshit?!" I shout for the first time since he's been going about this crap. 

"What the hell are you talking about?" 

"Did someone give you the idea of asking me to move in with you?" He stayed silent. "Oh, so. Someone did, did they?" He didn't answer, giving me the chance to continue. "You know what Eddie? I don't care what the others say or think about me or us. What's between us is our business. Just because they move in and live together, doesn't mean we should too. People's opinions don't matter to us, well to me. What matters is what you think of me and what I think of you. This is our relationship, not theirs…." He is still quiet, staring at the window on his right. "I want you to leave because I don't have it in me to talk to you right now. You've given me a tummy full when we just made up again and for me to heal, I need some time. So please, go home and think about what I just said and maybe call me at night." I tell him and walk upstairs without another word. Seconds later I hear the front door slam and a car tires screeching out of the driveway. I sighed, grabbing my phone. 

Meriliya Sanchez (Ongoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now