Chapter 2

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"Thank you!" I called before the bus drove away. I walked the five-minute walk to my house just to find our house's driveway packed with so many vehicles parked. I walked further passing different people dancing to the loud music playing from who knows where. What is going on? I probably walked so slowly that I noticed people staring at me with looks on their faces as if to tell me to 'walk away' or something. I opened the unlocked front door to find more people crowding the house. I pushed past the almost-drunk teenagers to the stairs. 

"Welcome to the party, sis!" I heard Fallon yell over the loud music. I could literally smell alcohol from her. Ew! I scrunch my nose in disgust and stepped back to form some sort of a distance. She pulled a drunk boy who wrapped his hands around her small bare waist. "This is Kevin. My handsome boyfriend" She introduces. 

"Hello" I smiled even though I honestly wasn't interested in meeting her boyfriend who probably must be the fifth guy she's dating this month. I'm not lying. Fallon is always with this new guy every week. She must be a strong person if she's able to move on fast. 

I leave the two who basically are grinding against each other in front of me, and walk upstairs to my room. I lock the door hoping the noise from downstairs is low and thankfully it isn't that loud. I grab my towel and towel and walk into the washroom to take a shower. Fifteen minutes later I changed into a pair of sweats and a loose fitting top. I tie up my hair loosely and start with my homework. 


It's been almost five hours and the party is still going on. How long do these things end, anyway? 

"Prolly until tomorrow" I answer my own thoughts. Since I had nothing to do I made my way downstairs hoping I'll be able to convince Fallon to end the party and send these unknown people home. I walk downstairs seeing the house or should I say a junkyard. There's red and blue plastic cups almost everywhere and even some plates are still laying on the couch. The counter is occupied with the pizza boxes and bags of drink bottles. The kitchen is a pigsty! So much for trying to maintain the house. I look around for Fallon and even ask some of the people dancing drunkenly. But all I got was shrugs and laughs. Finally, I find her in the backyard seated around the pool with her gang of friends. I take a deep breath before approaching her, who's sitting on her boyfriend's lap. 

"Oh, look who it is!" Her friends shout. 'I'm not deaf, people' I mentally said. 

"Can you please tell your friends and whoever in the house to leave?" I slowly asked. She ignored me with a groan. "Did you hear me? I asked you to send these people away..." I said again a little louder this time. 

"I heard you, bitch!" She shouts angrily. " But sorry, I'm not gonna send them away." She mocked rolling her eyes. "Who the hell do you think you are? Huh?!" She spat which made her friends laugh. 

"Please, Fallon-" I felt her hand come in contact with my cheek. 

"What did I say, huh?" She said angrily before she pushed me into the pool which I hadn't expected. I was gasping for air at first but recovered after a few minutes. Now, all of her friends and a few other people were surrounding the pool laughing so hard when I was crying but you can't actually tell thanks to the water. 

I got out of the water and ran towards the back yard door. "Poor girl! She's probably gonna cry her ass off!" I heard people say behind me but I couldn't have been more bothered because right now all I wanted to was yes, they're right. I wanted to cry alone in my room. I walked upstairs tripping on my own feet because my vision was blurry thanks to the tears pooling over my eyes. 

I walked in my room, closing the door behind me, falling to the floor crying softly. Is it always going to be like this? This was the constant question I kept on repeating in my head whenever I cry. What wrong did I do? My cries died down soon seeing that this is an 'always thing'. I cry myself out and then move on. I washed my face and lied on my bed staring at the plain ceiling. The only thing running in my head is how am I going to get the house cleaned when there's a lot of people there? My mother is going to have my head if she sees the house like that tomorrow. Suddenly I got an idea. Maybe if I could sleep for now since I've done the laundry and I've completed my homework and packed my bag for tomorrow and then wake up around four in the morning, that's two hours before the usual time, so there's no way my parents are awake at that time and I'm hoping there won't be any people from the party. 

Meriliya Sanchez (Ongoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now