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"Ken-chin! wait for me!" Mikey yelled

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"Ken-chin! wait for me!" Mikey yelled. Draken turned around and saw Mikey running behind him. Mikey ran and attacked Draken with a big hug. Draken stumbled back a bit.

"Mikey! Why did you have to attack me with a hug," Draken annoyingly said.

"Sorry! I thought you were leaving without waiting for me," Mikey said and walked out leaving Draken behind.

"I was just gonna go wait by the gate entrance. I thought you had some sort of fight today?" Draken asked.

"Nope! Not today at least. I'm really bored with fighting those Bastards who aren't even capable of taking my kick." Mikey said and sighed. Drake simply nodded .

"Mikey! Draken!" Someone yelled. They both turned their heads and saw their friends Baji, Mitsuya, and Takemitchy.

"Hey guys!" Mikey waved at them.

"Do you guys wanna head out to the cafe nearby?" Mitsuya asked. Everyone agreed and headed to the nearby cafe.

"Ken-chin. Can you do me a favor?" Mikey asked. Draken turned his head and looked at Mikey.

"What is it?" Draken asked.

"Can you buy me something at the cafe?" Mikey asked like a small child. Draken looked at him and rolled his eyes.

Mikey looked at him with puppy eyes and pouted.

"Fine! Only because you are my best friend," Draken said and sighed again. Mikey smiled and started jumping up and down in excitement.

"Can you two stop flirting! It's gross," Baji mumbled behind him. It was loud enough for Mitsuya and Takemitchy to hear. They both only laughed and continued walking.



Mikey and Draken have known each other for a long time. They First met when they were in 5th Class.

"Are you Mikey?" a 5th Class boy named Draken asked Mikey because the upperclassmen who were quite powerful than Draken at that time had ordered him to bring a guy named Mikey. There were rumours about him that he was uncontrollable and also had beaten the upper class men who were stronger but not stronger than Mikey.

And also Mikey had known Draken by some classmate so he grew interested in him and became his first friend.

When they both reach their destination where the guys who were older than them were talking and smoking. Suddenly Mikey ran and kicked the president of that gang and knocked him down with that one kick.

Draken was fascinated by him and eventually they became friends. They also decided to build their own gang with their few friends.

And also dreamed of making it the biggest gang in Tokyo.


"So ken-chin! Since we are in high school and always busy fighting with other gangs now , do you have any crush or sort of you know,do you like someone?" Mikey asked as he began to get bored.

"No. Not really. I don't wanna waste my time on that shit.You know I don't want you falling in love with anyone too." Draken said.

Draken patted Mikey's hair. He only looked at his best friend silently. Everyone around them smiled at them. They seem like a cute couple who can't live without each other but the truth was that they were only best friends.

"Ken-chin," Mikey whispered.

"Yes," Draken Whispered back.

"Everyone around us probably thinks that we are more than best friends." He mumbled. Draken Looked at him.

"But we are best friends!" Draken said and laughed.

"Ken-chin!" Mikey groaned.

"Yes, Mikey ~" Draken said and sighed

"I hate you ken-chin" Mikey pouted.

"Tch.Hate you even more," Draken said and Mikey suddenly burst into laughter because of the childish act.

Hate you even more," Draken said and Mikey suddenly burst into laughter because of the childish act

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