∷ xi

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Draken and Mikey were sitting in the park, feeling the Beauty of nature. There was silence. It was uncomfortable.
The atmosphere was getting awkward between them.

Draken was having a hard time deciding whether he should confess to Mikey or not. He was feeling scared of Mikey rejecting him and all the things but he doesn't know that Mikey was thinking the same. They were both in love with each other but both didn't have the guts to confess.

“Ken-chin, I think I should go. Mitsuya was calling me saying that he wanted to talk something with me,” Finally Mikey spoke as he was feeling suffocated in the atmosphere.

Draken looked at Mikey and nodded as he too wanted to go to the Library to find the meaning of Red roses so he finally let Mikey go.

“want me to drop you?” Draken asked.

“No! I want to go on my own,” Mikey quickly said.

“Alright then,” Draken sighed.

“Oky bye Ken-chin,” He said as he smiled at Draken and waved at him saying goodbye.

“He was acting strange these past days,” Draken mumbles. He walked and saw there was no sign of Mikey so it didn't look like he was following him.

He walked to a nearby bookstore and looked around. He found himself walking around the horror book aisle.

A book did catch his attention. It was about the flowers. He grabbed and looked at the book.

The book was about HANAHAKI DISEASE.

Draken looked through the book. It was somewhat different. It was like a picture book and had a lot of information in it. He decided to go and buy it.

After he had bought that book he went to the park. He sat down at the same place where they both previously sat.

He opened his bag and pulled out the HANAHAKI DISEASE Book.

He looked for Red roses.

Red Rose: True Love. Flower which Represents that the person loves him/her i.e. I Love You.

Draken just stared at it. His heart was telling him that it's the time to confess Mikey. To tell him that he loves him more than just Best friend ,In a romantic way.

“I can't do this! What If He rejects me and ignores me for the rest of his life?”  Draken thought.

He continued to flip the pages until something caught his attention.

An image of the person with Hanahaki who was choking on petals of red roses. It looked like he was suffering pretty badly. He still continued to flip the pages and saw them choking on petals of black roses to the point where their condition got worse and they had to go to hospital.

Draken's eyes widened as soon as he realised that his time was near to where he could end up dying if he didn't confess soon.


“Hey! Mikey,” Mitsuya smiled and walked towards his friend.

The reason he called Mikey today is that he wants to clarify whether Mikey has feelings for Draken or not. He knows their is somewhat sexual tension between them but he wants to figure it out cause he can see that Draken loves Mikey but he doesn't know if Mikey loves Draken or not and he also figured it out that Draken has Hanahaki Disease and ended up doing a research over that Disease. He knows that the Disease is very deadly.

“Mitsuya, why did you suddenly call me here,” Mikey asked in an excited tone.

“So I'll straight away come to the point , Do you love or like Draken?” Mitsuya asked and narrowed his eyes.

Mikey froze.

'Huh- Whatttttttttttttt' Mikey thought, he was panicking about what's with this boy Mitsuya asking this type of  question.

Few moments later~

Mikey was still fighting whether he should tell Mitsuya that he loves Draken or should he not or Ignore the question and quietly leave from here.

“That's not your business Mitsuya, I think I should leave now,” Mikey whispered-yelled. He doesn't want to be harsh on Mitsuya but he is still afraid.

Suddenly a hand stopped Mikey , it was Mitsuya. He was looking serious and was not joking around.

Mikey gulped and thought 'Mitsuya why be so scary it's not even halloween'  he just looked at him and again heavily sighed and admitted his defeat.

“Yes!!! I love ken-chinn! I feel comfortable and safe around him! I'm in love with my own best friend but never cared to show it or express it because I'm scared of rejection,” Mikey yelled and ran off to hide his embarrassment.

Mitsuya Didn't say anything, just shook his head and Smiled at him. He saw Hakkai who was listening to the conversation between them and smiled at him.

 He saw Hakkai who was listening to the conversation between them and smiled at him

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Will Mitsuya help this Two dumbheads or wait till they confess eachother.

Ello sorry for the late update my exams where there so I couldn't write the story so Pardon me.

Well ik the chap is boring but I couldn't think Anything to write so once again pardon me🕳️👩🏻‍🦯.

Drakey/ Drami Supremacy 🛐✨

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