∷ viii

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"I can't do it,"Draken mumbled

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"I can't do it,"Draken mumbled. He was standing in front of Mikey's room.

He was planning on confessing to him as quickly as he could but the anxiety took over him, he was scared if his friendship would be ruined by him.

The door suddenly opens.

"ken-chin! What are you doing here?" Mikey asked curiously.

"I-I was gonna knock and ask if you wanted to watch a movie together? Draken quickly made up.
(A/N: *facepalm* What should I do about you, Draken?)

"oh Ken-chin wants to watch a movie with me, Sure sure!" Mikey happily said. Draken just awkwardly nodded. Mikey walks in his room and Draken follows him.

"How am I going to tell him?" Draken mumbled and sighed. He was looking down at his shoes.

"Tell me what?" Mikey asks. Draken looked up at him.

"Oh! It's nothing!" Draken awkwardly smiled.
(A/N: What a awkward atmosphere)

"No, tell me Ken-chin. Remember we tell eachother everything," Mikey said as he softly punched Draken's shoulder.

"It's nothing like that I swear," Draken said, rubbing his nape awkwardly.

"Ken-chin!" Mikey said in a serious tone.

"I was just gonna say that we're gonna watch a scary movie," Draken lied again.

"A scary movie? You hate scary movies," Mikey asks, looking at him narrowly.

"I know. I just want to get over my fear is all, it's childish," Draken said as he continued to awkwardly laugh.

"Are you seriously alright? You're acting strange today," Mikey sighed and walked towards the living room.

"I guess. I think it's just a medicine I took," Draken said as he followed Mikey.

"Well. At Least you're not coughing or throwing up," Mikey says as he plops himself onto the couch.

"Mhm, it's just a side effect," Draken laughs and sits beside Mikey.

Draken puts on a scary movie. He regrets it. They spent the rest of the night watching a scary movie. The one screaming the most between the two was actually Mikey. Draken would just laugh whenever Mikey did that.

Mikey would snuggle closer to Draken and not look at the screen whenever there was a scary scene. It made Draken's heart flutter when Mikey got closer to him. Draken couldn't control it.

On the other side Mikey's heart was beating like crazy. He was really enjoying the warmness of Draken. He intentionally snuggled into Draken for warmth.

They both fell asleep on each other that night after watching the movie.


Birds were chirping and the room was filled with warm and golden sunlight but the two people were sleeping like a log. They were unconsciously holding and cuddling each other.

Draken was first to wake up. He looks around and realizes that he fell asleep in the living room. He moved but realized he was holding something. He looked down and saw that it wasn't something but someone.

"Mikey?" Draken said as he looked down at him, who was peacefully sleeping holding Draken.

Mikey's eyes flutter as he opens them. He looked up at Draken.

"Yes. Ken-chin?" Mikey said in a sleepy voice. It made Draken's heart skip a beat.

Mikey widened his eyes. He moves away from him but only ends up falling on the floor.

"Mikey!" Draken yelled. He looked down at Mikey asking if he was okay.

"I'm fine," Mikey giggled.

Draken pulls him up. He fell a bit forward causing her to fall on top of Draken. Their faces were inches apart. Instead of backing away, they both just stood there. They stared at each other.
(A/N: what a cringe moment)

Mikey unconsciously leans closer. Soon enough their lips were touching. It was just a small kiss. They both let go, still looking at each other, until Draken's phone started to ring.

Mikey quickly backs away and just sits next to Draken. Draken grabbed his phone and answered the phone call. It was from Baji.

"Hello," Draken answered.

"Draken and Mikey, where are you?" He asked.

"Ah we are at his home,why what happened?" Draken asked.

"It's nothing, we are going to a cafe,so wanna join?" He said, there was another voice of another guy.

"Oh! Yes ig I'll ask Mikey but I'm pretty sure he will come," Draken replied

"Alright, meet me at our usual cafe at 12:00 pm Bye," Baji said.

"Alright, Bye" Draken sighed and hung up the call.

"Is that Baji?"Mikey asked nervously.

"Yeah," Draken nods. They both look at each other and blush recalling the moment they kiss.

"I'll get going now," Draken said, jogging towards the door.

"Y-yeah," Mikey just mumbled, looking towards the flushed Draken.

"What the hell was that," Draken said to himself while walking towards his home, actually a brothel. Draken could think that they kissed and would act like nothing happened after that.

On otherside Mikey was just dumbfounded.

"Why'd I kiss him?" Mikey mumbled to himself. He was JungshOok about recalling the moment.

Although he enjoyed the kiss the only thought that was bothering him was "What if Draken didn't like it?"

"Do I like him but I'm straight right. Argh, this boy made me question my sexuality," Mikey shook his head.

"Maybe I'm only gay for him, I'll just ignore and hide this feelings for now. I don't want to be confused and get awkward with Draken ,"Mikey sighed.

A/N: So both have feelings but gonna hide,poor Draken gonna suffer some more because of petals😿

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A/N: So both have feelings but gonna hide,poor Draken gonna suffer some more because of petals😿

Well if any Grammatical mistakes or typos will be there pardon me I just wrote this in hurry :,)

Thank you

Drakey/Drami Supremacy 🛐✨

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