∷ iii

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Mikey walked with Takemitchy because Draken wasn't there

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Mikey walked with Takemitchy because Draken wasn't there . Draken said he didn't feel well so he stayed at his apartment.

"Mikey!" Someone yelled. Mikey turned around and saw Y/N waving at him. She ran towards him in excitement and gave a hug.

"Y/N!" Mikey whispered yelled.

"Hi Mikey!" Y/N giggled still hugging him.

"Let go!" Mikey said in a calm tone as he didn't want Y/N to be scared.

Y/N Slowly released him from the grip.

"What's wrong with you? Why do you do that!" Mikey asked.

"Oh! I get it. You're dating Draken and even if your boyfriend isn't around you don't want People telling him you are hanging out with other girls and boys." Y/N said. Mikey only shook his head in denial.

"I'm not dating Ken-chin. He's just my best friend," Mikey said, smiling at her.

"Great then! So Will you go on a date with me tonight?" Y/N asked smoothly.

"You got a lot of confidence. Sure. Why not," Mikey said with a small smile. Y/N widened her eyes.

"Really? YaY!!" Y/N said as she held both of Mikey's hands. He simply nodded his head.

Y/N smiled even more. Y/N suddenly hugged Mikey again.

"See you later!!" Y/N said as she released Mikey from the hug.

"Bye Y/N!" Mikey said and they parted.


"Fuck! I was able to go with Mikey today! What was the point of staying home," Draken said to himself.

He suddenly started thinking about the flower petal he coughed up last night.

"Why did I Cough up that flower?" Draken said to himself. He grabbed his phone and started doing research on it.

He searched up 'why am I coughing up flower petals?'

Draken was in shock by the results he got.

Google Search:
Hanahaki Disease is an illness from unrequited love. The symptoms you will get is coughing and throwing up flower petals. Still normally happens when you have a crush on someone but they don't love you back. It will last up to 2-3 months. The only way to cure this disease is when the person returns your feelings ( Real love not in a friendship way ) or gets surgery to remove it but you will no longer have any romantic feelings towards others.

The situation was do or die for Draken.

"I think I like Mikey," Draken said to himself and sighed. He was thinking about how Y/N has a crush on Mikey.

Just thinking about that, Draken's stomach felt weird again.

He ran to the bathroom and coughed like he did last night. He threw up a whole bunch of flower petals. They were all white lilies with a mix of blood.

"It's true, I have Hanahaki," Draken said, breathing heavily.

He flushed his washroom basin.

"I can't tell Mikey about this," Draken mumbled. "How do I have a crush on him though, I never saw him in a romantic way. Until now I guess"


"So are we still on for that date tonight?" Y/N asked as she moved closer to Mikey. He just smiled at her which made Y/N blush.

"Of course. I'll just tell Ken-chin that I'll be home late," Mikey said and called Draken.

"Why do you have to tell Draken everything?" Y/N asked.

"He is my best friend and I think he is sick right now. I don't want him to be worried about me while he is sick," Mikey said.

"He is sick? You should go home and take care of him," Y/N said worried all of a sudden.

"No, it's fine. I just have to tell him that's all," Mikey said.

"Alright, if he gets worse, I already told you to go take care of him," Y/N said, Mikey nodded his head.

Mikey calls Draken and he receives it.

"Hey ken-chinnnnn!" Mikey said in Excited tone.

"Hello! Did you finish the fight?" Draken asked. He sounded perfectly fine, maybe Mikey can go on a date with Y/N.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go on a date with Y/N. So I'm going to show up late," Mikey said. Suddenly Draken Starts to cough violently.

"Ken-chin! Are you alright?" Mikey asked worriedly.

"Yes,I'm fine. Are you dating Y/N?" Draken asked. Mikey just smiled softly. He didn't have any feelings towards Y/N. He didn't like her at all. He didn't really have a crush on anyone.

"No. It's just a date, nothing more," He said. Draken's cough became less violent.

"Oky, Don't show up too late," Draken said.

"Alright Ken-chin!" Mikey said with a smile.

The call ended. Mikey turned around and looked at Y/N with a smile.

"Can we go?" Y/N asked. Mikey nodded his head.

"Yessss!" Y/N shouted in excitement and grabbed Mikey's hand.

"Yessss!" Y/N shouted in excitement and grabbed Mikey's hand

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A/N: y'all I don't know but this is cringy 😭🏃🏻‍♀️

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