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It was the middle of the night at 2:30 a

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It was the middle of the night at 2:30 a.m. Draken suddenly wakes up from a horrible dream.

Mikey was dating some other girl in his dream. He hated it. He felt his throat being blocked. He ran to the washroom and locked it. He threw the petals that were coming up.

He looks down at the washbasin feeling hurt as well as disgusted. He noticed that instead of white lilies there were Wisteria. He looked down confused.

“Why are the flowers changing?” Draken asked himself. He suddenly heard the knock.

He looks over at the door as someone knocks on the door, he knows that it was Mikey because Mikey hadn't left him alone and decided to sleep over there as he was concerned about his best friend.He quickly flushed the petals in washbasin.

“Are you okay? I hear you coughing violently.” Mikey asked.

“Yeah, just a bit sick. It's not that much to worry about though.” Draken awkwardly smiled.

“Come with me,” Mikey said as he grabbed his hand and pulled Draken with him.

“Where are we going?” Draken asked.

“The living room,” Mikey replied.

“Why?” Draken asked again.

“Stop questioning ken-chinn. You don't feel good and I'm going to take care of you. I know we've been having sleepovers but recently we haven't had a “Sleepover” so. I'll take good care of you, don't worry,” Mikey looked at Draken and chuckled.

“You really care for me huh,” Draken said.

“Of course, you're my best friend. I'm always gonna be worried about you,” Mikey said with a smile on his face. Draken smiled back at him.

The word “best friend” hurts Draken much. He can't express it in words.


It was finally morning. Draken and Mikey were dead asleep on the living room couch.The living room was an utter mess.

They were making ramen in the middle of the night. They had bought a lot of sweets of course for Mikey and some cold drinks too.  They were playing video games and all stuff. They had so much fun the previous night.

Mikey and Draken never had “Sleepover” since the first small fight between them.

Their alarm suddenly went off. Mikey was the first person to wake up. He looked around and was looking for an alarm so he could put it off. He finally found it and stopped it. He looked at time and widened his eyes.

“We're late!” Mikey yelled. Draken jolted and woke up. He looked over Mikey and rubbed his eyes.

“Why tf are you yelling in the morning?” Draken said, still half asleep.

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