∷ ii

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The sun rays penetrate towards Draken through the window

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The sun rays penetrate towards Draken through the window. He rolled and woke up as he had a meeting of toman which was decided by Mikey. He saw the time and they had left only 20 minutes before starting the meeting.

He called Mikey to ask if he was awake or not but Mikey was not responding. So it was clear as water that Mikey was sleeping.He ran towards Mikey's home and saw that he was still sleeping like a baby. Though he didn't want to wake him, but the meeting was important for Toman.

He gently shakes him but Mikey doesn't even move, he again tries to wake him up by shaking but Mikey doesn't give a damn.
He was losing his patience now, so he finally screams "Mikeyyyy~ What the hell, Wake up you Lazyass Leader of Toman!! Though the last part he said was in low voice because he didn't want Mikey to be angry.

After struggling so much Mikey finally wakes up.

"ken-chin! Why are you waking me up?" Mikey said in a sleepy voice and pouted.
He was struggling to keep his eyes open.

"Did you forget that today is a meeting!!" whispered yelled.

"Oh Ken-chin, I totally forgot about it and also if we would be late, it's not gonna affect Toman, the gang members can wait you know! Lemme sleep for 10 minutes more. please! please!" Mikey pleaded as he closed his eyes again. Draken only sighed and let him sleep again.

Draken walked towards the bathroom. He looked at himself. He still looked tired.

In the meantime Draken decided to go buy some Dorayakis for Mikey as breakfast since he couldn't go back to sleep.

When Draken comes back from the Store, he finds Mikey waiting for him.

"Where have you gone? Ken-chin!" Mikey said it like a small child. Draken looked at him and smiled. He looked at him for a while.

"Ken-chin?" Mikey spoke as he noticed Drake staring at him for a quite long time.
Draken shook his head and went near Mikey.

"Why was I staring at him?"Draken thought while serving breakfast to Mikey.

After serving Mikey, he joins too for breakfast.

"Ken-chin! Are you okay?" Mikey asks. Draken look at him and nods his head.

"Why does my heart skip a beat when I look at him?" Draken thought. He ignored it and kept eating breakfast.

"Anyways.... Ken-chin the Dorayakis you brought are delicious as always!! I love it!! Mikey said with a bright smile.

And here again Draken heart skips a beat. He looked at him and nodded.

After they finished eating they went to the meeting where the other members were there and discussed some matters.


"Come on, Mikey!" Draken said as the meeting was over.

"Yes! Coming, coming!!" Mikey yelled back.

They were riding bikes with Takemitchy. Takemitchy was with Mikey as he was not having a bike with him.

They were going to meet Hinata Takemitchy's and Emma who was half sister of Mikey. As both girls were waiting for them near the Cafe.

When they reached there, they saw one more girl. When Those three girls saw us they came running towards us.

"Takemitchy!! Finally you are here! Let's go to the cafe!" Hinata said in excitement.

"Who is this girl?" Mikey asked Emma.

Emma told Mikey that She was her other best friend and her name was Y/N.

After talking about Y/N. They headed towards the Cafe.

"Welcome!!" Host Welcomed them as they ordered the things they wanted to eat.

They all got pretty along and end up having much fun.


Mikey and Draken both end up together in the park as Takemitchy left with Hinata and Emma left with Y/N.

"Emma was looking nice right! she pretty much got along with everyone!" Mikey said and looked up at the sky as the sun was setting and it was looking pretty good.

"Yes, I guess!" Draken said, looking at Mikey.

"You know Emma has Crush on You ken-chin!!" Mikey said to annoy Draken.

"You think? Well, I don't. I do think that the girl with Emma , Y/N has a crush on you though," Draken said, teasing Mikey back.

"Yeah! I think so too... She looks cute. Maybe when I get to know her better.... She can be my girlfriend" Mikey said and laughed.

Draken Froze.

"Girlfriend?" Draken thought to himself.

"Ken-chin are you okay?" Mikey asked as he waved his hand in front of Draken's face. Draken shook his head.

"I'm Fine!" Draken said and smiled at Mikey. Mikey smiled back at him. Draken heart skipped a beat.

"Why does it bother me so much that Mikey could get a girlfriend or a boyfriend? I want him to be happy but why?"Draken thought.

Mikey noticed the strange look on Draken's face. He decided to hold Draken's hand to see if that would help him.

He grabbed Draken's hand and intertwined their hands together.

Draken looked down at their hands and saw Mikey smiled at him. A small blush crept over Draken's cheeks.

"Wtf!! What's wrong with me!!"Draken thought.

They finally decided to leave the park and head towards their own home.


Draken woke up in the middle of night. His senses were clouded with a hyacinth smell, and a prickling feeling could be felt in his abdomen.

He felt drugged and drowsy with the strong smell of Hyacinth.Only when he felt the itching sensation of a cough. As he coughed, a single lavender petal fell from his mouth.

A Hyacinth petal.

He looked at flower petals. He was confused. He ignored it, not thinking much about this.

 He ignored it, not thinking much about this

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