∷ vii

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“Ken Ryuguji?” The nurse called

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“Ken Ryuguji?” The nurse called. Draken looked and stood up. Mikey followed right behind him.

The nurse took them to a room.

“ken-chin, You can't lie and say that you are fine, Got it!” Mikey said.

“I know, I'll tell them the truth,” Draken sighed. He didn't want to tell the Doctor about the disease but he was forced to.

“Yeah, Also tell me the truth as well,” Mikey says as he crosses his arms.

“I'm pretty sure I just have a sore throat but it's getting pretty bad I guess,” Draken lied.

Mikey just hummed. The door suddenly opened.

The doctor entered the room and took his place.

“Hello, My name is Dr. Kaidou. So Ken Ryuguji , what brings you here?” Dr. Kaidou asked. Draken didn't want to lie to the doctor but he also didn't want Mikey to know what's happening to him.

“Mikey can you step outside the room?” Draken said nervously.

“Huh? Why?” Mikey asked not wanting to Leave Draken alone.

“Please, I'll tell you after what I said,” Draken says as he looks down at his feet with a sad face. Mikey noticed his expression as he nodded and left the room.

“Is there something that you feel uncomfortable telling him?” Dr.kaidou asked.

“It's just, I don't want him to find out,” Draken replied.

“I see, so tell me why did you come here?” Dr.kaidou asked.

“I don't know how or when this exactly started but I've been throwing up and coughing petals,” Draken explained.

“petals?” Dr.kaidou asked.

“Yeah, it normally happens when I see Him get close to any boy or girl,” Draken replied.

“What's your relationship with that boy?” Doc asked.

“Dr.kaidou I searched it up and it says I have Hanahaki Disease,” Draken sighed.

“It's a rare case. You normally get it when you have a crush on someone but you keep putting your feelings to the side. The reason you got it is because it's time to tell the person you like… that you like them,” Dr.kaidou said

“You mean I have to confess to them?” Draken asked.

“Yeah. It's a crush you never really thought of much but deep down inside you really have feelings for them,” Dr.kaidou sighed.

“Another thing. The petals keep changing. It was hyacinth first, then Wisteria and now white lilies,” Draken said annoyingly.

“Alright. Sit down there , I'll listen to your breathing,” Dr.kaidou said as Draken got up and sat down in front of the Doctor.

When Dr.kaidou checked his breathing he was shocked and widened his eyes.

“Draken, Your Hanahaki Disease is getting pretty bad at this point. You need to confess now,” Dr.kaidou said, nodding his head.

“is that the only way I can get rid of this disease,” Draken said.

“There is another way too. Well here are your options. you get surgery for removing the peta- '' Dr.kaidou was cut out by Draken.

“I'll get the surgery,”Draken quickly said and sighed in relief.

“Ken Ryuguji let me finish. You get a surgery to remove the petals but you can no longer have feelings for the person you like , as romantic feelings will forever be gone,” Dr.kaidou said. Draken only made a 'oh' face.

“And is there a last option,” Draken asked.

“There is but it isn't a pretty one or a good option at all," Dr.kaidou stated.

“Well, What is it?” Draken asked curiously.

“The last option is that you don't confess your feelings at all and don't get surgery for removing those petals. You can continue to live with the disease but the disease can get extremely bad to the point that the petals will suffocate you to the death and eventually you will die," Dr.kaidou said as he looked at Draken.

“Suffocate?” Draken asked.

“The petals are growing inside your lungs,” Dr.kaidou said.

“Oh, Well Thank you. I'll make the decision quickly then,” Draken said as he got up.

Dr.kaidou just nodded his head as Draken left the room.

“So Ken-chin what's it?” Mikey immediately asked as soon as he saw Draken leaving the room.

“Ah! They said I have a disease in my throat. They said just to drink a lot of water and take some prescribed medicines,” Draken said.

“Wait what? A disease?” Mikey whispered yelled.

“Nothing to worry, it's a small one, it's not that serious,” Draken said to reassure Mikey.

“I just hope you get better quickly. You really got me worried sick,” Mikey said as he hugged Draken. Draken was shocked but soon hugged him back. He has a small smile on his face. He wishes if they can be like this forever.

“I don't want you to be worried about me,” Draken said and smiled. Mikey just stared at his Face.

“I know you don't but I care about you lot,” Mikey said which made Draken's Heart Flutter.

A/N: So What you guys think ,Will Draken get Surgery or Will he confess to Mikey or I'll not Let Draken choose the third option, so which he will choose?

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A/N: So What you guys think ,Will Draken get Surgery or Will he confess to Mikey or I'll not Let Draken choose the third option, so which he will choose?

Well this will be the last update ig it's 1:00 am here and I'm writing this story :,) so ig I'll update this tomorrow again.

Thank you

Drakey/ Drami Supremacy 🛐

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