Chapter 19- 'Call me Debra'.

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Chapter 19:

"Rise and shine, baby girl." Moms sweet-as-honey voice awoke me in a pinch.

"It's too early. I must sleep." I beckoned in a grumpy voice, tossing around a couple of times.

"You slept for more than 11 hours. I think thats enough." She added, her tone sounding as if she was amused.

"No!" I grunted clearly annoyed for being woken up.

Mom pinched the heel of my left feet hard. I jumped up, sighing before falling out of bed..Literally.

''Ouch!" I rubbed my red elbows and got up from the floor.

Mom giggled like a teenage girl after her first kiss.

"Where's Rilee and Ryan?" I asked, looking around.

"Still in bed. They must be exhausted after that long flight here."

"Oh OK."

I brushed my teeth before galloping downstairs. I sniffed the inviting aroma of fresh pancakes that was writhing from the kitchen. I followed the smell and plotted myself down on the breakfast table. Mom dropped a pile of freshly hot pancakes onto the plate, that was sitting in front of me. I didn't bother using the utensils, instead I shoved the pancakes into my mouth one by one. I poured a glass of breakfast juice and sipped on it. The cold liquid ran down my dried-up throat. I smiled in relief and leaned my back against the chair, relaxed.

"Wash up, you look like a complete mess." Mom's yelled from across the room.

Agreeing, I rose up from the chair and tumbled to the bathroom. I stripped my clothes off and got in the shower. The warm water invited me. I scrubbed up quickly and wrapped a clean towel around my wet torso. I put on a baggy tee and silk shorts. I ran my fingers through my damp hair, getting rid of any tangles or knots.

I went back downstairs and watered the plants. I scrubbed down the walls and floors. You guessed correctly, I am very bored.

"We have a doctors appointment today at 12pm and then a meeting with your principal at 2." Mom notified me, without further explaination.

"Aye Aye, Captain!" I mocked, sharply placing the side of my hand ontop of my forehead and saluting.

Mom laughed before reshaping her serious expression once again, "I am going to the supermarket to get some groceries. Need anything?"

She picked up the car's keys and started to the door.

"No and don't be long!"

"BYE!" She called out before slamming the door shut and disappearing out of my sight.

I plotted down on the sofa and turned on the NEWS channel. Snore. I wasn't in the mood for them depressing stories they usually show on the NEWS.

Until something or rather someone caught my eye. A familiar face. Liam. My eyes must've flew out of their sockets. Liam was on the news. The whole of Wolverhampton must be really proud of him. So am I. I have to get to his house. Like now.

I slipped on a knee-high brown button up coat and ran outside. My bare legs shivered against the chilling winds. My uggs were paddling along the concrete pathway as I made my way to Liam's. I skidded through streets and streets until I finally made it. I rested my hands on my knees as I tried to catch my breath. It wasn't easy. My chest ached violently. I patted my hair down and knocked on the door. The door opened abruptly.

"Mrs.Payne, hello, is Liam there?" I asked, smiling at the sight of Mrs.Payne's sweet face.

"Hello dear, I haven't seen you for ages! Gosh, how I have missed you. Liam isn't here right now, he went out for a short walk. He will be back anytime soon. Come on in dear." She ushered me inside.

"Thank you. I guess I'll wait for a few minutes." I politely said, sitting beside her on the couch.

"You're welcome anytime. I haven't seen you for quite a while. You know..ever since what happened with you and Liam. But kids will be kids." She laughed and poured me a cup of water.

She doesn't know.

She handed me the glass and sat back down. I drank it down like a dehydrated walrus. She wrinkled her forehead and smiled.

"You must be exhausted. It looks like you just finished running a marathon." She commented.

I chuckled and nodded my head.

"I guess you don't know. Do you?" I hesistantly asked.

"Know what?"

"I'm pregnant. With Liam."

"WHAT?!?" She shouted out, suddenly turning ash white.

"Are you okay? Do you need some water? Lie down." I panicked around the room, before fetching some water and handing it to her.

"You must be kidding me. Is this a practical joke?" She slurred, after a while of silence.

I shook my head frantically, "Liam didn't tell you.." It was more of a statement than a question.

She shook her head and sunk her head in one of the couch cushions.

"When did you find out?" She whispered out softly turning her head towards me.

"More than a week ago, I guess."

"Wow. I am stunned. Why didn't Liam tell me? Does your mother know?" She exhaled, a surprised look on her face.

"Yep, she knows."

"Great! Just great. My son has been keeping a secret this huge, from his own mother." Her voice enveloped with sarcasm.

I sat there, not knowing what to say.

"He probably was going to tell you tonight."


"Well congrats on the news. I could never be happier for you two. I knew since the first day I met you that Liam would fall in love with you. And he has, indeed. I give you my blessings so that you two can stay together forever."

I smiled and pulled her in for a quick but genuine hug.

"Gosh, I am tearing up." Mrs.Payne dabbed tears off her face with the sleeve of her top and smiled.

"Thank you, Mrs.Payne."

"Hush up, dear. Call me Debra. We are practically family after all."

I squeezed her hand gently, "Yeah, I guess we are family. Debra."

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