Chapter 11- Meeting Johanna

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Tuesday Morning-

Liam POV:

I watched Danielle, amusingly, as she took a enormous bite into her plate of delicious blueberry pancakes.

I was sitting beside Danielle, opposite to Johanna and diagonal from Jack.

Winter holidays have just began.

Two weeks from school = PURE HEAVEN.

Jack was glaring at me. Whats up his butt? Jealous prick. I ignored it and looked over at Johanna whose been checking me out the entire time. She was gorgeous. I looked away and drizzled warm maple syrup onto my buttermilk pancakes.

''Liam, can you hand me the syrup?'' She asked, sounding utterly sexual.

I nodded and passed her the syrup.

''So how long are you staying here for, Johanna?'', Danielle asked, thankfully breaking the awkward tension away from the table.

''I'll be staying at Jack's house until saturday evening'' Johanna replied.

Danielle smiled ''Awesome! We should hang out sometimes''.

Johanna returned the smile but unlike Danielle's, her smile was purely fake.

''Shes great, isn't she?'' Jack commented referring to Johanna, before kissing his girlfriend's temple.

Johanna let out an unattractive snort. I poured another cup full of coffee and took a drink.

Danielle POV:

Johanna was really pretty. My confidence dropped by at least 60%. I suddenly felt like an insecure caterpillar.

Johanna has gorgeous short, cascading blonde curls dropping down to her petite back. Her eyes are in a light greyish-blue colour. She was wearing a floral patterned belly top and a pair of ridiciously short denims. Her legs were long and sun tanned.

I saw her eyeing Liam the entire time since we arrived. I'm not the jealous type but today that seemed to be thrown out the window. I am actually surprised that steam hasn't came out of my ears yet.

Did Liam enjoy the attention?

I tried to shake the thoughts out of my head. I couldn't help but notice how tense Jack seems around Liam. Boys are Pathetic.

''Can you please give Liam a chance?'' I quietly asked Jack, from across the table.

He nodded ''Ofcourse''.

I swiped off a pool of maple syrup with my finger - from my plate and licked my finger clean.

''Excuse me, while I go to the restroom' Johanna said getting up from her seat and slowly making her way to the restroom.

Liam POV:

''Excuse me, while I go to the restroom'' Johanna said getting up from her seat.

She decided to take the 'long way', as she slowly walked past my seat, I felt long nails move down my back, gently. Shivers were sent down my spine. My back arched quickly and I turned away to see Johanna smirking. She sent me a flirty wink.

Thank goodness Danielle didn't see. She was to busy talking to Jack. I furrowed my eyebrows.

''What are you doing?'' I asked quietly.

''Just having some playful fun'' She said, biting her bottom lip.

''Well stop''.

She smirked before shaking her head and making her way to the restroom.

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