Chapter 10- Catching Up

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Danielle POV:

It's been a full week since Liam and I visited my parents in the hospital. Thankfully, they have been slowly recovering. Liam was washing the lettuce in the kitchen sink. He came over to help me with dinner everyday and for that; I was grateful. Let me tell you one thing - making dinner is hard.

''Add a crushed clove of garlic and mix the sauce thoroughly till satisfaction'' Liam slowly read aloud from the massive cookbook laying on the kitchen bench.

I sprinkled the crushed garlic into the tomato sauce mixture and mixed it slowly.

''What are we making again?'' I asked sarcastically, chuckling under my breath.

Liam rolled his eyes playfully, ''Spinach and ricotta filled ravioli''.

''Fancy'' I say in a slight sarcastic manner.

My iPhone beeped loudly and I fished it carefully out of my backpocket. Jack. The last time I spoke to him was the day when I moved into Liam's house; which was about two weeks ago.

From Jack: Hey! I was wondering & do you want to hang out today? I know its sudden but I wanna catch up & all.

To Jack: Hello n that sounds pretty cool. So..How about 5p.m.?

From Jack: Cool! I'll meet you at the Fishermans Fish shop :)

To Jack: Awesome! See you there Jack-O-Lantern.

I grinned at my iPhone.

''Who are you texting?'' Liam asked, sounding a little bit over-protective.

Calm. Your. Farm. Cowboy.

''Jack, I'm meeting him today at 5 o'clock.'' I said casually.

Liam's face was flooded with cold, hard jealously.

I smirked at the adorable sight. When guys get jealous, its so adorable.

''What?'' Liam questioned, noticing the smirk pasted onto my face.

''Is my wittle bwaby waby jealous?'' I said in a toddler-like accent while squeezing his smooth cheeks, like an old grandma does to her grandchild.

''No'' Liam protested, folding his arms and pouting a little.

''Yes, and you know it!''

Liam continued to dice the tomatoes. I also became quite quickly engrossed in cutting the capsicums; that I did not realise Liam cut his index finger.

''Sh*t!'' He shouted.

Blood poured out of the deep cut. My eyes grew wide and I quickly opened up the medicene cabinet. I got ahold of the First Aid Kit and opened it up. I sat Liam down and carefully I sprayed some antiseptic onto a cotton ball.

''This might sting, babe'' I placed the soaked cotton ball onto the cut, gently.

''Ouch!'' Liam grumbled, biting his bottom lip.

I applied a thick dollop of herbal healing cream onto the cut and then stuck on a band-aid.

''Better?'' I asked rhetorically, carressing the side of his arm.

He nodded ''Thanks''.

I smiled gently and poured Liam a glass of water.

He took a long gulp, ''So..what you want to do?'' Liam winked playfully.

I rolled my eyes ''We can watch TV?'' I suggested.

''Yay! Toy Story!'' Liam shouted while clapping like a toddler. I chuckled at his childish behaviour.

''No way! We watched it yesterday night'' I nagged.

''Not fair! I slept through half of it'' He argued.

''Not my fault, you sleep like a baby''.

Liam stuck his tongue out ''Fine! Lets watch..''.

''John Tucker Must Die!''

Liam groaned and grunted for a couple of seconds before surrending. ''Gosh,fine''.

I laughed and switched on the television.


I rode my bicycle to the Fish 'N' Chip shop. The salty, oceany breeze filled my nostrils. The beach always calmed me down. Seagulls surrounded the dock. I chained up my bicycle, tightly and looked around for Jack. I felt warm hands cover my eyes. I turned around to see piercing blue orbs looking at me, brightly.

''Jack!'' I exclaimed, pulling him into a long hug.

''Danielle'' Jack mimicked and I stuck out my tongue jokingly.

''I missed you! Sorry for being a jerkface the other time.'' He said, putting on a sympathetic face on.

When I bumped into Jack last time he was being a selfish, conceited loser. I forgave him. I mean, we used to be bestfriends. But times changed and we saw other people. We would go to the park and play soccer everyday. He sometimes would pick daises for me. I always knew he had a crush on me when we were younger.

''Its okay, really'' I whispered, breathing in his warming scent. I pulled away from the hug and smiled.

''Thank you danielle and how about we get something to eat? Im starved''.

I nodded and we walked to the Fish 'N' Chip stand. Jack ordered our food and drinks. I bit into the hot potato chips and sipped on the can of sprite. We continued to walk and talk about things. Thats when I realised, that I missed out on alot.

''My girlfriend, Johanna is coming tommorow to visit me for the weekend. You should meet her!'' He explained.

I quirked both eyebrows up. Girlfriend?

''Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend? I will love to meet her!''.

No I wouldn't.

''Good. How about you and I meet tommorow morning at lets say..9a.m.?''.

''Sounds good! But..only if Liam can come.''

Jealously flashed in Jack's eyes when I mentioned Liam's name.

He smiled fakely and nodded. ''Sorry, I got to leave. Oh and meet us at the Pancake House at 9'' He said, I nodded and said goodbye.

Why does Jake loath Liam? They barely know eachother. Both of them are my bestfriends and one of them is my current boyfriend of 3 months.

They just have to work things out because if this hatred is going to continue, I might as well just move cities.


Got to admit. Not my best chapter. Oh who am I kidding? It sucked badly.

But my reads are getting higher and therefore I am now happy and satisfied.

Next chapter will be the meeting of Jacks girlfriend and an adorable surprise starring Lanielle.

Thanks for everything and ILYSM!

Hugs and Kisses my little teddybears :)

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