When vampires exist in this world, who come out at night to hunt for humans, Yena, a girl who was diagnosed with depression, had no will to live anymore decided to work at the night. Maybe a vampire would come by and kill her, she does not mind. And...
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𝙩𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙙𝙖𝙮 - 251221 ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ▃▃
a thousand years later... (3021)
"we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year!" everyone sang out before they ate the chocolate log cake.
"mummy! mummy! i want the chocolate! i want the chocolate!" the little girl pointed at the edible chocolate decorations on the top of the chocolate log.
"okay, sweetheart." her mother smiled and placed the chocolates on her daughter's plate.
without waiting any longer, the girl quickly ate up her portion of the cake and placed down her utensils.
"does it tastes yummy?" her mother asked.
"very yummy!" the girl beamed.
"sweetheart, let's go to the toilet okay? it's going to be a long way home from this restaurant, it's better if we go to the toilet first." her mother patiently said and the daughter nodded her head obediently.
"mummy, i'm done!" the girl said and washed her hands with soap, noticing that there were no one else besides her mum in the ladies.
"sweetheart, wait for mummy okay? mummy's stomach isn't feeling well. don't go outside by yourself. stay in here until mummy's done."
"okayy!" the girl responded while she just walked around the toilet but, there wasn't anything to play with.
suddenly a magical music was playing from the outside of the toilet.
"oh! it must be the candy cane guy, i saw just now!" the girl thought.
she then rushed out of the toilet and went to take a candy cane.
"hello, little girl! would you like to have some candy canes? one packet for two dollars- HEY DON'T EAT IT IF YOU HAVEN'T PAY!" the seller yelled but, the girl already opened the packaging and placed a candy cane in her mouth.
"i will pay for her." a mysterious male voice passed two dollars to him.
"thank you, young man." and the uncle annoyedly pushed his cart away.
"thank you, young man!" the girl thanked the male who helped her to pay for the candy cane. she did not know how to address him so, she just called him like how the candy cane man addressed him as 'young man'.