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The two day camp ends fast but not fast enough for Taehyung and Jungguk. Tae asks Namjoon's permission to go with Jungguk after the camp, which is the first time and it makes Namjoon beyond happy and he readily agrees. It's a start.

" Don't do anything we won't do.. okay ? " Namjoon Teases.

" oh ? You think we don't hear Jin hyung's moaning every night ? You are much more hornier than us Joon hyung. " Tae teases back making Namjoon turn red.

Taehyung enters Jungguk's car and seeing Jungguk grin he asks " what ? "

" So you think we are horny ? " Jk laughs.

Now it's time for Taehyung to blush. " Shut up.. " he looks out of the window to hide his reddened cheeks.

The drive is noisy with their bickering and they reach Jungguk's house in no time. They find Hobi and Jimin in front of Jimin's house. Hobi is ready to go back to Yoongi's he missed him the last two days, so they bid their good byes fast. Jimin raises his eyebrow at Jungguk. He gets a smirk in return.

They enter Jungguk's house and Taehyung halts. Jungguk knows Tae is getting cold feet. So he hugs Taehyung and says " hey.. hey look at me ...it's okay don't force yourself okay ? we have all the time in the world. " And he kisses Tae's forehead.

Taehyung leans on his touch, he inhales Jungguk's scent it is mixed with cologne he uses. still, he can distinguish the natural scent. He hugs Jungguk tightly. Jungguk takes him to the couch holding onto Taehyung. They sit on the couch just like that. Tae nuzzles closer to Jungguk who keeps giving him light kisses on his head. Tae starts to talk

" I've never been in a relationship with someone. Everyone avoided me and I avoided everyone. I don't have any close friends Jin hyung was the only one I used to talk to when I was little. His parents were nice and they never forced me to do anything I was uncomfortable with. Still I had my reservations against them. I...I was angry and jealous because they were a happy family , where mine wasn't. I..kind of forgot how my parents used to look. Is that bad ? " Tae asks

" No..baby..not everyone has the privilege to born in a caring family. " JK soothes Taehyung's back who curls onto Jungguk more.

" You don't have family too ? "

" hmm... I have one but that's only in a name. They don't want me as a son anymore. Jungguk replies

" I am sorry.. " Tae touches Jk's chest trying to listen to his heartbeat.

"Don't be.. they tried to mold me the way they wanted but when I didn't fit in they discarded me. It happens.. some parents are never satisfied with their children. They forget we have our own personalities and dreams. And they try to place us on the wheels they've created for us. And when we don't move..They will say they are disappointed and throw us out. It is nothing to be hurt of. yeah at first it did hurt but then again We want those who understand and care for us right ?. " Jk smiles.

" yeah.." Tae agrees. He makes a mental note go to Jin and clear the clutter he had for them for years. After all he is his brother.

" I.. I didn't know you were alone. " Tae says.

" Not anymore.. " Jk lifts Tae's chin and kisses him. for a second Tae's eyes go wide , then he melts into the kisses. It soon get heated and Jungguk trails down to Tae's chin and neck sucking him hard.

" Guk.. " Tae moans. Jungguk lifts Tae and walks toward his room. He places him on the edge of the bed and kneels in front of him. Taehyung tries to kiss him again but Jungguk holds him and asks " Are you sure Taehyung ? You just had a cold feet minutes ago. "

Taehyung shakes his head and says " I will never be ready as I am afraid of satisfying you. My own doubts and trust issues are eating me. what if I make a mistake ? what If I make you mad ? What if you hate me ? ...." Jungguk shuts him up with a severe kiss biting him hard.

" You won't make mistakes and there is no way I will hate you. just follow my lead ? " Jungguk asks.

Taehyung nods. Jungguk continues to lick his lips and pushes his tongue inside Taehyung's mouth. Their hands travel around their bodies. Taehyung removes Jungguk Turtle neck and runs his hands through Jk's torso. "He is a snack" Tae thinks.

"Like what you see ? " Jk teases.

" very .." Tae smirks.

Jungguk remvoes Tae's clothes and lay him down on his back. He runs his fingers through Taehyungs's body sending chills to Tae's spine. Tae tugs Jungguk's jeans down and gestures him to remove those as well.

" You are big.. " Taehyung whispers

Jungguk places Tae's legs on his shoulders and places him in between. he fingers him good and making him a moaning mess. He coats himself with lube and slowly pushes in. Tae closes his eyes shut.

" does it hurt ? " Guk asks.

" Not much ..give me a minute.. "

Jungguk kisses him to soothe the pain and wipes the tears that are forming from Tae's eyes.

" You are so beautiful Tae..You are taking me well.. " Jk whispers sweet nothings as he slowly start to pound on him. Their rhythm gets forgotten as they both reach their orgasms and c*ms screaming each other's names. They both are panting heavily as they come down from their high. Jungguk removes himself from Tae's H*le and Tae whines at that. He ties the condom and throw it in the bin. Then he cleans both of them and drag tae close to him who is almost asleep. tae angle his legs to Jungguk's and rest his head on his shoulder.

" Next time I am gonna take you bare ,you better be prepared and give me a little Tae okay ? " Jungguk kisses Tae.

" You are shameless, " Tae kisses him back and they both drifts into a beautiful sleep and for the first time Tae sleeps without having a nightmare.

Taehyung wakes up listening to Jungguk humming in the kitchen .as cliché as it sounds that makes Tae smile even when his back hurts like hell. He tries to stand up but his legs give away and he falls on his knees with a thud and a loud 'owwww'. Jungguk comes running and finds tae on the floor. He picks him up and carries him to the couch.

" why didn't you call me ? is it hurting too much ? " Worry is evident in Jk's voice.

Tae gives him a fond smile. "No I am okay..just my legs got numb. " He kisses Jungguk on his chin and caresses his face.

" I m sorry I went over board..just you were so stunning I couldn't stop myself from devouring you. " And that makes Tae blush, he covers his face again.

" it's so cute to watch the ever ferocious Taehyung blush .' Jungguk chuckles.

After breakfast they get ready , more like Jungguk helps Tae get ready. He carries him out to his car bridal style ofcourse.  And finds Jimin again. " Yup I knew it..you are the beast Jungguk." Jimin teases. Tae hides his face on the crook of Jungguk's neck and he whispers ' put me down. '

" No can do ..I am showing the world whom you belong to and whom I belong to. " He smooches Tae again and again.

They visit Jin and Namjoon and Taehyung have a heartfelt talk with his brothers on how he felt jealous and lonely when he came to live with Jin and his parents. How he couldn't accept their love as he felt betrayed by his parents for drugging him in the name of keeping him from harm and left him when they couldn't handle it anymore.

Jin listens everything silently with tears are ready to flow , he hugs Taehyung and cries, for not realizing how hard it was for him to adapt, and by the time he realized it was too late and Taehyung distanced himself from others. He also talk about how his parents took Taehyung home. Tae's father managed to sneakily send a letter to Jin's parents as they were suffering abuse both physically and mentally from their owners. The Kim family were slaves from way back and When they law came banning enslavement they couldn't escape but wanted TAehyung to have a normal life. They didn't want Tae to see and be scared of humans and that is why they made him sleep every night. But by the Time Jin's father came to rescue them Tae's parents left the earth.

Taehyung sobs too. Knowing that they loved him but couldn't show it the way they wanted. Also there is so much a person can take right ? Though their method of ending the suffering was wrong he gets it. Still he wish they could endure till Jin's father came.

Jin continues saying that neither him nor his parents ever felt Taehyung is not one of them. He will always be their little Taehyungie.

Tae apologizes to Namjoon also for treating him bad because he is a human. Namjoon just hugs him showing his dimpled smile. Those tears wash away all the bad memories from Taehyung's mind and he believes he can look forward with Jungguk and his family by his side. Jungguk squeezes his shoulder as if he read his mind.

When the overflow of emotions gets settled Jin offers some strawberry cake and Tea laughter slowly fills the house. Jungguk receives a call from an unknown number. it turns that it's from Hobi thanking him for helping Yoongi when he was troubled. Yoongi seems to have opened up to Hoseok as well. They end their call promising to meet each other soon.

Jungguk looks at Taehyung from where he is standing. There is his sweet boxy smile, he is animatedly talking to Namjoon about Jin and Jin is trying to stop him. " This is family where one can be themselves without a worry of being judged and more than that just loved' he thinks and joins them. He want his life with Taehyung and others. It was monotonous for a long time. He knows both Taehyung and him have a long way to go and he needs to help tae tackle his demons. But he is hundred percent sure that there is no other place he rather be. He is Taehyung's as much as Taehyung is his. he can't wait for the tomorrows to come. He can't wait to come home.

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