Chapter 2

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We walked into his house and I was in awe. It was dark and old on the inside like the outside but in his living room was covered from wall to wall with nothing but books. "I know its nothing like your foster home but... do try to contain your disappiontment." He said sarcasticly. "Its amazing!" I said in awe as I walked to the book shelf. He had so many different books with funny titles. "You like to read?" He asked. I blushed and backed away from the book shelve. I turned to him. "Yes but Andrew and Mary didn't have any challenging books except for some cosmo magazines." I answered sheepishly. Severus nodded and held his hands behind his back. "Sit... Miss Fowlis." Severus ordered. I walked over to couch and sat down. "How old are you, Miss Fowlis?" He enquired. "I'm 13 today." I answered without blinking. His face seemed to soften. "Miss Fowlis, the reason you can do things that no one else can is because you are a witch." He said. I nodded and he looked slightly bothered. "Your not surprised?" He asked. "No... are you a witch, Severus?" I asked curiously. He scowled. "First, you will address me as professor or professor Snape. Second, No. I am a wizard. I teach potions at a school called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft amd Wizardry." He said. I nodded. The fire in the fireplace suddenly lit up and turned green as an old man with a long white beard and funny looking clothes stepped out. "Wow..." I commented. He took notice of me and walked over. He took my hand and shook it. "Hello Erika Fowlis. My name is Albus Dumbledore and I am the headmaster of the School." He greeted with a kind smile and twinkling blue eyes that looked at me over hald moon glasses. I smiled and shook his hand back. Severus sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose with his forefinger and his thumb. "Albus you must owl before... dropping by." Severus said in an annoyed tone. Albus let go of my hand and turned to Severus. "None sence, Severus." Albus said dissmissivly. "I noticed we had forgotten to send a letter to this young lady." Albus said gesturing to me. Severus narrowed his eyes. "What are you up to, Albus?" Severus asked suspiciously. I glsced out a near by window while the two men talked. The full moon called to me as I watched it. I turned back to the two men who were watching me quietly. "Can I have a glass of water?" I asked. Severus took out a wand and summoned me a glass of water. I smiled and took the water. I looked down and saw the reflection of the moon in the water. It was almost hypnotizing. I reached my hand inside the cup and moved my fingers with the water. "Upon one summers morning, I carefully did stray. Down by the walls of walking where I met a sailor, there. Converceing with a young lass, whom seemed to be in pain. Saying William if you go I fear you'll never return again. My heart is pierced my cupid. I distain all glittering gold. There is nothin that can consol me but my jolly sailor bold." I sang. Severus looked transfixed with my eyes as he slowly walked toward me while Albus covered his ears. I stopped as Severus stood towering over me. I looked up into his onyx eyes and watched as he reached a hand out but stopped suddenly when his face turned serious. He glared down at me and walked out of the room. Albus let go of his ears. "Well that was unexpected." He said looking at me in mild curiousity. He held his arm out. "Come, Miss Fowlis. I shall show you Hogwarts." He said with a kind expression. I stood and took his hand as we walked toward the fireplace. We stepped inside and he threw down an emerald like powder. "Hogwarts." He shouted.

It felt like I was spinning as I clung to Albus tighter. We landed in a golden office and I fell out of the fireplace wheezing heavily. "Your first time using the floo network will feel like that." He said. I got to my feet breathing much better now. He walked out of the office and I ran after him. As I followed him I realized that we must have been in a castle. Everything was large and made from stone. "Welcome to your new school." Albus said and gave me the tour. He showed me all of the common rooms but I stopped in front of a window. Outside was a giant lake that called to me. "You may go take a look." Albus said kindly. I grinned and raced to the door that led outside. As I ran for the lake I didn't notice someone calling after me. The pull of the water sufficating my every shred of common sence I had. I reached the edge of the lake and dove in, forgetting... I didn't know how to swim. The water was black and merky as I sunk deeper. My legs started to tingle and glow as the begain to mold together to form a black fish tail. My dress was gone and my breasts exposed. I was in so much shock that I forgot I was under water. I gasped and then covered my mouth. I removed my hands from my mouth as I took a hesitant breath. To my surprise I could breath. I felt the water around me shift as I looked up. The water seemed clear and visible now. A man with dirty blonde hair swam towards me. I moved my tail and swam towards him, he stopped and squinted his blue eyes. I swam up until I was in front of him. He was handsome but something about him screamed false. He stared at me in awe. He took a breath and instantly regreted it. I noticed he was wearing expencive clothes as he clawed to reach the top but I grabbed his face and kissed his lips, breathing oxygen into his mouth. He pulled me closer as I pulled away from his lips. I grabbed his shoulders and swam us to the top. He gasped as his head hit cool air. He swam toward the shore and climbed up on the bank. I noticed Albus standing there. "Just as I expected." He said to himself as he looked me over. "Miss Fowlis, I now know for certain that your a Siren." He said with a knowing twinkle in his eyes. The man sat up on the bank. "An enchanting one at that." He said in a dreamy like state. Albus raised an eyebrow. "Professor Lockheart, I would like you to meet your new student, Erika Fowlis." Albus introduced. I noticed two people running toward us from the castle. "I told you I saw a girl, Fred!" A boy with ginger hair. "I see that now, George." The other boy said. I took a moment and noticed they were identical. I met the eyes of one that was called Fred. He held my gaze with a wide open mouth. He opened and closed his mouth a couple of times, trying to form words. To say I wasn't attracted to him would be a lie. I swam closer and pushed myself up on my elbows. "H-hi. Name Fred my. I-I mean Fred m-my name." He stuttered. His brother elbowed him in the gut. "What my brother means to say is his name is Fred and my name is George." George said for his brother but I never looked away from Fred's eyes. Fred walked onto the back and got on all fours. George moved to grab him but Albus held him back. "My name is Erika." I said and he seemed transfixed by my voice. He moved closer and was so close that his breath tickled my lips. "Could you help me out of the water?" I asked gently. "Yes." He managed to whisper back. He took my hand and stood, pulling me my up and picking me up bridal style so I was out of the water. We stared at each other unaware that I was naked. Albus cleared his throat and Fred snapped out of it. He carried me to the grass then put me on my feet and took off his cloak, wrapping it around me, holding me close. "Well we should head inside and get Miss Fowlis sorted." Albus said but only Lockheart and George obeyed him. Fred and I continued to stand there staring at each other. "We should really go now." Albus said but we took no notice. Albus sighed and grabbed my arm, leading me away from Fred. I wrapped the cloak around me tighter. Albus waved his wand and I was in my own uniform and cloak. He took Fred's cloak and lead us to the Great Hall. He opened the doors and everyone went silent as they stared at me. I walked up to the stool, like Albus instructed, and sat down. An elderly women sat a dusty worn out hat on my head. "Hmm, cunning and sly, yet devious and brave. You have a great future in... SLYTHERIN!" The hat called leaving everyone speachless. A snake badge appeared on my cloak and I sauntered over to the table with other people with a snake badge. I sat down at the end, closest to the teacher's table. I looked up at their table and saw Severus staring at me. I bite my bottom lip lightly, looking up at him threw my dark eyelashes. That seemed to catch him off gaurd. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turmed to a pug looking girl. I raised an eyebrow. For some reason I didn't like this girl. "Wow your beautiful." She said honestly. "But if you come anywhere near my Draky poo, I'll cut you." She said with fake inthusiasim. I smirked. "If he likes girls that look like pugs then you have nothing to worry about." I said smugly. She glared at me and suddenly lunged at me, knocking me off the bench. She screamed with fiery as she tried punching me over and over but I blocked every punch and managed to roll us over and hold her arms down while I sat on top of her. I was about whistle when I was yanked off of her by the back of my cloak. "10 points from Slytherin for attacking a fellow housemate, Fowlis." Came the deep velvety voice of Severus. "She attacked me!" I shouted angrily. "Not from what I saw." Severus hissed. I struggled to get at the smirking pug girl. "If he let me go then I would wipe that smug look off your pug face!" I spat. She glared. "Thats it, Fowlis. Detention. Now!" He snapped. He dragged me out of the room and down into the dungeons.

He shoved me into what looked like a classroom. I turned as he shut the door. "SHE was the one who started it." I pointed out. He walked past me and I turned to see him standing by his desk. He waved his wand and a bucket of water and a scrub brush appeared. "I want to see these floors shine." He said emotionlessly. I huffed and glared but complied. I took off my cloak and vest, only wearing a white blouse and my skirt that was a bit short. "What... do you think your... doing?" He asked. I looked up into his eyes. "I don't want to get them dirty." I said. I undid a few buttons on my blouse and got on my hands and knees as I started to scrub. "His hair it hangs in ringlets, his eyes as black as coal. My happiness attend him, where ever he may go." I sang softly. I noticed Severus staring at me from the corner of my eye. All of a sudden I slipped, knocking the bucked over and getting drentched water. I gasped as I looked back and saw my tail laying against the hard floor. I looked up and saw Severus who was suddenly towered over me. My breasts were exposed to his heated gaze as I bite my bottom lips softly, looking up at him through my eye lashes. "Idiot girl." He snarled and waved his wand, drying me and the water. My leggs returned as I got to my feet but stumbled forward into his solid chest. He instinctivly grabbed me as we fell to the floor. I landed on top of him as he held my back. We both were frozen as we stared at each other. I was naked... and ontop of my teacher... and I oddly liked it. He stared up at me wide eyed, unable to move. I opened and closed my mouth as I quickly sat up and moved to get up, accidentaly wiggling and explicting a hiss from him as he grabbed my hips with his eyes closed tightly. I wiggled some more, trying to escape his hold. He groaned as he held my hips tighter. "STOP... moving." He ordered. I stared down at him with a deer caught in the headlights look as I clung to the edge of a desk. I felt something poking me through his trousers. My eyes widened even more, if that was possible. "Um, sir?" I squeeked. His eyes shot open as he glared up at me. "Hold.perfectly.still, Miss Fowlis." He said threw gritted teeth. "I may be your professor but I'm also just a man." He said in a strained voice. "Please..." I begged. He suddenly flipped us so I was pinned under him. He had his lips so close to my ear that it was hard for me to focus. He shifted his hips slightly causing me to cry out and buck my hips against his. He groaned. "I told you to stay still, Miss Fowlis." He growled in my ear. My heart was racing so fast in my chest, I was sure professor Snape could feel it. "Please... sir." I begged, intending for him to get off of me. "You were the one who decided to move. You are in these position because you brought it upon ourself." He hissed in my ear. I growled. "Well you didn't have to stand so close!" I argued. I took a sharp intake of breath as I felt him put his cheek to mine. "My, my Miss Fowlis. I almost think you don't want me to get up." He purred in my ear. "And why is that?" I asked with an attitude. He put his lips extremely close to my ear. "Because you are radiating a lot of heat." He whispered. My face turned bright red as I realized what he was refuring to. I growled. He raised his face so he was looking at my face. "Did you just growl at... me?" He said with an arched eyebrow. Oh I was going to make him pay. I leaned up and grasped his bottom lip with my teeth, sucking it gently and running my tongue over it. He groaned and I flipped us over. He was digging into my thigh now as I released his lip and reached down and rubbed him through his trousers. He cried out as I let him go and got up, grabbing my cloak and vest. "Suck on those apples, sir." I said rudely and left his classroom with him struggling to get to his feet, red in the face. If he wanted to play this game, I was throwing causion to the wind. What was I thinking?! Whats happening to me?!?

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