Chapter 15

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"Why does the hot girl get to sleep in Harry's room?" Came a loud voice. My eyes fluttered open to see a fat man, a skinny women with dark hair, a fat muscular boy with a round face, and Harry. I sat bolt up and started to panic. Harry rushed forward and hugged me. I barried my face in his neck as I shook. I wanted Severus. He pulled away when I calmed down. He pulled me to my feet and I saw I was wearing a blue sun dress with matching flats. The fat boy moved forward and I moved closer to Harry. "Well, we're going to my room and pretending we don't exsist." Harry said but his uncle blocked his path. "Not with this strange girl, boy." He hissed. "Where would you have her sleep then?" Harry asked with a bit of venom. The man's hand shot out and grabbed Harry by the front of his shirt. "Are you giving me attitude, boy?!" The man shouted while turning red. "Let him go." I hissed. The man ignored me. I grew angry. I gave a sharp whistle and a near by vase exploded. The women screamed as the man let Harry go. "FREAKS! THERE BOTH FREAKS!" The man bellowed. I narrowed my eyes. "Oh, I'll show you freaks." I snapped moving forward but Harry stopped me. He took my hand and dragged me past them and out the front door.

We sat in this abandoned park and swung on swings. There was a pop and Severus appeared in front of us. I hopped of the swing and ran to him. I stopped myself from wrapping my arms around him. "Come with me, Fowlis." He said boredly. I took his arm without thinking and we apperated away.

We landed in Malfoy Manor and I looked up to see Lucius. He had tricked me. I let him go and ran for a fireplace but was stopped by Peter. I backed away from him and turned to see Voldemort. I was breathing heavily. He chuckled. "I have waited a very long time for this moment." He said with a cruel smirk. I backed away as he walked closer. "You were promised to me even before you were born." He explained. My back hit a wall as he moved closer. "You, Erika Fowlis... are my greatest weapon." He said as he swooped down grabbed my face. I glared at him and he yelped as he recoiled his hand. He whipped out his wand and pointed it at me. "SEVERUS!!" I screamed causing windows and everything else made of glass to explode. I kept screaming as porsilen vases and pots exploded into a million pieces. I booted Voldemort in the balls and ran up the stairs. I ran down the hall as I started to hyperventilate. "Erika! Now where to hide, Erika!" Came Voldemort's face. I bursted into my room and ran to the fireplace while swiping a pouch of Floo Powder from the dresser. I stepped inside and threw the powder down while screaming Albus' Office.

I landed and stumbled out, coughing hard. Albus got up from his desk and rushed to me. "Voldemort- Lucius!" I rushed as I grabbed the front of his robes franticly. He shushed me and held onto me tight as we apperated.

We landed in a dusty library and people ran in with their wands drawn. I calmed when I saw Remus. I let go of Albus as I ran over to Remus and threw my arms around him. "I-I'm the weapon!" I cried. Remus held me tighter. "Your alright, shh." He soothed. I calmed down and pulled away. My eyes landed on Sirius Black and I glared. "What is he doing here?!" I shouted. "This is my house, love." He said. "You stabbed me!" I shouted. He moved forward looking appoligeticly. "I forgive you." I said with a calm tone. He grinned but kept his distance. I looked over and saw Severus. My heart lept as I rushed to him amd wraped my arms around his neck. I felt everyone's shocked eyes on me as I sobbed in his neck. He held me tight and shushed me. Once I calmed down, I let him go and stepped away. I was taken tona room where everyone sat down. I told them everything that had happened and they sat quietly. "So your saying that Erika can be used as a weapon of mass destruction in Voldemort's hands?" Sirius asked Albus. He nodded. "But worry not, the only one that can control her is Severus." Albus said. I ducked my head as I blushed. Sirius snorted. "Oh yes because that eases my worries." He said sarcasticly. I glared at him and growled slightly but Severus cleared his throat and I stopped. Sirius looked shocked causing Severus to smirk. "I don't have to worry about your attitude for too much longer concidering you'll be killed by the end of the year by your loving psycho cousin." I spat but froze. How the hell did I know that?! Sirius sat back with the look of shock. "I-I'm sorry. I don't know why I said that." I whispered. "She sees the future?" Remus asked as he looked saddened. Albus continued staring at me. "Bits and pieces." He said. "Well she is a threat to all of us!" A man cried. I stood up from the table and left the room with Severus on my heels.

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