Chapter 16

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I awoke and Albus explained a few things to me before he altered my appearance. I now had white hair, steel grey eyes, and slightly taned skin. I didn't look anything like myself. I was still in Slytherin and I was to live in my old room. Alex wasn't coming back this year so I had no worries about that. My wand was transfigured to look like a simple onyx wand. Albus told me that I would go by the name was Serina Waters and that I was a halfblood. No one was to know who I really was, not even Severus. All of this to ensure I was kept from Voldemort's clutches.

I stood beside Albus as he introduced me to the school. "This is Serina Waters and she is a transfer student. She is to be in Slytherin." He said. I bowed and walked over to the Slytherin table. I sat down beside Blaise. I glaced up and saw Severus staring at his goblet with saddness in his eyes. It hurt so bad to see him like that. "So whats your blood statues?" Blaise asked. I turned to him. "Halfblood and yours?" I asked. "Pureblood." He bragged. I nodded. I noticed that everyone was quiet. "Why's everyone so quiet?" I asked. Blaise frowned slightly. "We lost a housemate and everyone loved her so their still morning her." He said. "Shut it Blaise! She doesn't need to know about Erika." Barked Draco angrly. "Thats Draco. Erika was his 3rd cousin." Blaise explained. I nodded again. "Whats that guys problem?" I asked looking pointedly at Severus. "I don't know but Erika was his prized student in potions, always the top of the class." Blaise said. I turned to my food and ate quietly.

I sat in potions class when Severus stormed in. "Today you shall be preparing the potion from page 567 in your books." He barked. I got my ingrediants and started to skillfully work. Severus came around when we were done. "50 point to Slytherin for Ms Waters potion bein the only one to be correct." Severus drawked and walked to his desk. I vialed my potion. I stayed after class and walked up to Severus' desk where he sat. "Professor?" I asked nervously. "Yes, Ms Waters?" Severus asked with a bored tone. "Are you alright?" I asked in turn. He looked up and glared at me. "That is none of your buisness, Ms Waters!" He barked but I smiled softly ,which his eyes widened, before turning to walk away. I heard him abruptly stand up. "Wait!" He shouted desperatly. I  took a calming breath before turning to face him. "Yes, Professor?" I asked making my voice flat. He sat down in his chair with an expressionless face. "Don't ever ask after me again." He hissed. I nodded and left his classroom.

I sat in D.A.D.A. as Professor Umbridge was shouting at Harry. "He killed Cedric Diggory and Erika Fowlis, you must know that!" Harry shouted. "NO, ENOUGH!" She shreiked. She quickly composed herself. "Their deaths were a tragic accident." She said to the class. Harry went to argue but she interupted him. "Detention, Mr. Potter." She said sickly sweet. "Bitch." I muttered but she heard. "For that comment, Ms Waters, 10 points from Slytherin and you shall be surving detention with Mr. Potter." She said with an annoying giggle.

I sat in detention and was forced to use a funny quill. "You shall write 'I shall not call my Professor's bad names'." She said I started to write but yelped when I got to the end of the sentance. I craddled my bleeding hand. It healed almost instantly but I left before Umbridge noticed.

I stood at the window over looking the lake, in Albus' office. "I know how hard it must be for you but you have to keep your cover." Albus said for the hundreth time as he sat at his desk. "No you don't!" I shouted, turning on him. "Everytime I see the pain in his eyes, I desire nothing more then to touch him and tell him I'm here! I love him, Albus..." I said as I started to break down. He looked down at his desk. "I understand love all too well." He said. "Then please let me tell him." I pleaded. "No. If he figures it out on his own then fine but do not help him." Albus said firmly. I turned on my heel and left the room. I froze upon seeing Severus at the bottom step. I looked away as I shoved passed him.

Weeks went by and it was complete torture. I so badly wanted to tell someone but I couldn't. I walked into Severus's classroom one day but he wasn't there. I saw his chamber door was open slightly and walked to it and peeked inside. He was laying on then floor convulsing. "Oh gods!" I shouted and ran in. I ran to his personal supply closet and ransacked it until I found a boazer. I ran over and straddled him. I shoved the stone down his throat but he was still. "Severus!" I screamed and shook his head. "I'm here! Please don't leave me! I'm here!!" I shouted desperatly as tears trailed down my face. I bent down and kissed his lips desperatly. I pulled away when he gasped but still had his eyes shut. I got off of him and grabbed a hand full of floo powder and threw it into the fireplace. "MADAM POMFREY, I NEED YOU!" I shouted. She came threw the fireplace and gasped upon seeing Severus. She went to his aid as he opened his eyes. I backed away and turned away as I felt his eyes on me as I left. He was going to kill himself over me. That sentance ran threw my head a million times and each time it was like a knife to my heart. I walked down an empty hall as I put my back to the wall. I clutched my gut as I whailed. Tears streamed down my face as I fell to my knees. I fell to my side and curled up in a ball as I cried harder.

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