Chapter 20

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I woke up to him healing me. I felt the tears slip down my face. "Why?" I croaked. "Why what?" He asked gently. "Why do you still try?" I clarified. "Because I love you." He whispered. I felt his lips press against mine. I wanted to bite him yet I longed for him. I kissed back slowly and he released my lips as he put his forehead against mine. He sobbed and stroked my cheek. He slipped my ring back on my finger. "Ok you still love me?" He asked. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. I couldn't lie. "Always." I whispered. He kissed my lips and pulled away, leaving me to get dressed. I put on the dress that I was forced to wear after I was kidnapped from my wedding.

I walked into the Great Hall and sat down at the table. The doors blew open and there stood Gracey. "Am I always going to have to save your ass?" She asked. If you couldn't tell, Gracey was american. "And who is this lovely bird." Amycus asked. Her face contorted and a showed her true self. He fell off his chair and crawled away. "Erika isn't going anywhere but I can offer you a job, professor of Defeance." Severus drawled. My eyes lowered to the table and she caught on. "Fine." She hissed. I stood up and I felt the tip of a wand to my back. "Sit back down, Mrs. Snape." Hissed Amycus. I sat down as a students piled in. He sat down beside me. Severus got up and made a speach about new teachers and such. I felt Ginny and Neville's intense stared but I couldn't meet them. Amycus grabbed me by my arm amd dragged me to the front of the table. Gracey gripped the table. Amycus let me go as everyone's eyes were on me. "If you break the rules or conspire against the Dark Lord, you will be dissaplined as such." He hissed. He pointed his wand to me. "Crucio!" He shouted. I threw my head back as a blood curtling scream left my lips. I went to my knees as I writhered. He stopped and I fell forward but I caught myself before I landed on my stomach. I breathed heavily. Amycus helped me to my feet and gripped my arm hard. I looked at him with composed expression but my eyes glittered with tears. "What do you say?" He hissed. "Thank you, professor Amycus for reminding me how much I love our merciful Dark Lord." I croaked. He made me say this each time he tortured me. "Good girl." He hissed and shoved me toward the table. I stumbled but caught myself with the table. I stood up and walked back to my spot. I sat down and stared at my plate. My eyes flickered to my knife and I picked it up. I put it on my lap as Severus went on with his speach. I covered my lap with my napkin. Amycus sat down beside me and his hand went to my knee. I wanted to be sick. Severus came around the table and raised his goblet. "To the Dark Lord." He toasted. Some students said it to but others remained silent. Severus sat down. A student got up from her table and stood in the middle of the room. "Erika, where is your knife?" Severus asked. "Sit down, brat!" Amycus shouted but the girl refused to answer. He walked around the table and pointed his wand at the girl. Alecto came over and stood were he brother sat. "Erika?" Severus asked again. I stood up and walked around the table. I threw the knife and it hit him in the back. He dropped his wand and stumbled. I rushed forward and pulled it out of his back. I whirled us around and put the blade to his throat just as Alecto pointed her wand at me. I held Amycus to me as I backed us up. Severus stood. I was grabbed from behind and I twirled around him and had the knife to my attackers neck just as Amycus hit the floor. "She won't do it!" Alecto hissed. I slit his throat clean through and he dropped to his knees as his blood sprayed everywhere. He clutched his throat but hit the ground dead. Poppy was healing Amycus so she was covered the blood. I threw the knife and it his Alecto's shoulder. She screamed and clutched her wound. "Ginny, get as many people to where the D.A. use to meet." I hissed. She nodded and everyone seemed to run for the door. A spell hit me and I flew backwards. I landed on my back.

I was tortured for months. It was now the last two weeks of april and Severus left after we made love. I woke up that morning and felt like shit. I was throwing up all the time and I had no idea why. I stood by Severus as he addressed the students about seeing Harry Potter. I passed out and Poppy took me to the hospital wing.

I woke up to Bellatrix. She gave me a few minutes to get dressed. I was dressed in a pair of jeans and tank top. I saw a note on the table. I picked it up.

Your two weeks pregnant.

I stumbled back and the note burned in my hand. Bellatrix walked up to me and gribbed my arm. I was so numb.

We landed in the boat house and she disapperated out. I saw Severus laying on the ground in a puddle of his blood as Harry was holding a vial of his tears. I ran to him as I freaked out. I cupped his face. "SEVERUS! SEVERUS STAY AWAKE!!" I screamed. He gasped and cupped my face. "I'm pregnant..." I cried. His eyes flickered to my stomach as he hand lowered and caressed my stomach. He looked up at me. "Please stay with me!" I pleaded. "Always..." He whispered and kissed my lips. I kissed back and and I felt him go limp. I pulled away and saw his eyes glaze over. I shook my head. "NO!!" I screamed. I moved to cry on his wounds but I was grabbed and apperated away.

I came to stand in the Great Hall. I saw Fred and and cried even harder. I stumbled over to him and opened his mouth. A few of my tears fell into his mouth as he gasped. He looked up at me and saw my expression. He pulled me into his arms.

I was standing with Draco as Voldemort called us forward. Draco took my hand and led us. I heard people calling my name but I was numb. Voldemort turned to me as Draco walked over to Cissy and Lucius. "You killed my Husband." I whispered. He grinned and laughed. "You can breed with someone else, now go with your cousins." He said. I did as he said but stopped half way. I turned toward him. "Burn," I hissed. His robes caught fire and he begain to scream as other rushed to help him. I turned back and took Draco's hand. We walked to the stone bridge were I got up on the ledge. Tears ran down my face. "Its always been him, hasn't it?!" Demanded Fred's voice. I remember how Severus and I danced at our wedding. How much we loved each other. I extended my arms. "Always..." I whispered as I jumped. My last thought was of Severus and I dancing with matching grins. I smiled softly as I hit the ground.

Third person POV

The funeral was held in the Great Hall for Severus and Erika. Everyone was silent except for the odd sobbing student or teacher. Erika was laid on one table while Severus was layed on a seperate one. Harry walked up and put Erika's left hand in Severus'. He turned toward the crowd. "They faught for us, did things for us, and gave their selves to us... A wise man once said trust... without it we are nothing. Trust and love is they key to success. Erika was devistated beyond reason when her husband died in her arms. For those that do not know," He paused and swallowed the lump forming in his throat. "Erika... Erika was two weeks pregnant." He said. There was gaspes and whispers. "She couldn't go on with out her love, so she took her life." He said. "I hope she's smiling down at us with Severus and I hope we can learn from them... there love was so great that they couldn't bare to part." He whispered. He sat down and bowed his head in silence. Erika and Severus were finally together and nothing... nothing could part them.

The end... or is it?


Are you still hoping?......

You feel that glimmer of hope fading?

How did you feel when the books and movies ended?

No its deffinatly the end (XD)

~sincerly the Lord of Feels

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