Chapter 9

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I was packing my trunk for Christmas when I heard the door open. "Your not even going to protest against going, are you?" Came Albus's voice. I turned to see him standing there watching me carefully. "Why would I protest to go visit my family on christmas, Professor?" I asked with a curious smile. He frowned. "What has changed you so?" He asked walking closer. I smiled. "My cousin Lucius has shown me the path, sir." I answered. "But did he show you the right path I wonder." He said with concern. I frowned slightly. He knew. "I emplore you to see for yourself. In your heart you must know that Mr. Malfoy is leading you down a road that you can never return from." Albus said as he moved forward and held my arms. "You have to choose soon or else you will find yourself in a mess that I or anyone can save you from." He said. I frowned as I stared up at him. Maybe he was right... "Please, Erika... Don't be led astray by foolish things like revenge. It will never make you feel better and it will only destroy you." He whispered. My eyes welled with tears. He pulled me to him and hugged me tightly. I completely broke down. I sobbed hard in his chest. He stroked my hair as he held me tighter.

I walked to the train with red puffy eyes as I rolled my trunk behind me. I sat in a compartment when Draco saw me. "Erika? Whats wrong?" He asked franticly. "No more." I whispered. He shut the compartment door. "What do you mean?" He asked. I stood up and glared at him. "Your father has been filling my head with lies and playing on my emotions!" I shouted. Draco's face grew hard as mine softened, about to break again. "He's turning me into something I'm not." I whispered. He sneered at me. "Dumbledore got to you, didn't he?" He demanded. "Draco, I-" "Didn't he?!" He shouted causing me to jump. "He talked to me, yes." I whispered as I looked to the ground. I was suddenly shoved up against the window as Draco had a death grip on my throat. He punch me in the gut causing me to crie out. He grabbed my face with his free hand. "Don't ever take Dumbledore's word over my fathers!" He shouted. Tears streamed down my face. "Let me go, Draco. Your hurting me!" I cried, gasping for air as his grip on my neck tightened. "You are pathetic, Erika! You are a disgrace to purebloods!" He shouted in my face. He was suddenly ripped off of me as I fell to the floor, gulping down air. I looked up to see the twins shove him out into the hall. Fred rushed to me and picked me up bridal style. I sobbed in to his shoulder. "Shhh your alright now." He whispered.

I stepped onto the platform and almost immediatly regretted it. Fred was beside me chatting away about a joke shop him and his brother wanted to do but when I looked up I met the eyes of Lucius. I froze. He looked angry but hid it well behind a bored expression. "Erika, are you alright?" Fred asked. I wore a fearful expression as Lucius's haze bore into mine. Fred grabbed my shoulders and turned me to him. He let me go. "Whats wrong, Erika?" Fred asked seriously. I looked up at him with watery eyes. "Don't let me go with him." I whispered pleadingly with a trembling lip. Fred's eyes widened in alarm. "Why? ...Erika why?" He asked. I opened my mouth but a hand clamped down on my shoulder from behind. I looked up at Fred in terror. "Come along, Erika." Came Lucius's voice. 'Help me.' I mouth to Fred. Fred grabbed me and pulled me away from Lucius. "She's not going anywhere with you, Mr. Malfoy." Fred said firmly as he pushed me behind him, still holding my arm protectivly. Lucius narrowed his eyes. "Unhand my adopted daughter, young man or else I will forcably take her." Lucius said as he drew his wand. A clan of gingers rushed over. "Whats going on here?!" Demanded a short pudgy red haired women. I shook behind Fred. "Your son will not unhand my adopted daughter." He spat the word son like it was a bad taste in his mouth. The women finally noticed me and quickly realized that I was clinging to Fred's clothes, scarred and terrified of Lucius. "She doesn't want to go with him, mum. She's afraid." Fred explained and turned back to Lucius. "Erika, come!" Lucius barked. "She's not your dog, Malfoy!" Fred barked back. "I killed them!" I shouted. Everyone froze. I let go of Fred as I hugged myself. "I ran away from Lucius after he hit me and I ran to my foster parents." I said as I sobbed. Fred turned and held my shoulders. "What did you do, Erika?" He asked seriously. My lip trembled as I sobbed. "My best friend lived there with me... I went to see her but she wasn't there! Andrew and Mary dragged me to their room and started...." I trailed off as I cried harder. "You were defending yourself, Erika... It's not your fault." Fred whispered and hugged me tighter. Lucius was seething but composed himself quickly. A man with red hair stepped forward. "Why didn't you come forth sooner?" He asked gently. I shook. "Because Lucius said I would be thrown in Azkaban for killing them... but I had no choice!" I said. The man glared at Lucius. "He said that I would bring him and his family shame." Added though my tears. Arthur stepped forward and took me from Fred gently. "If you come with me, I promise you that this will all be sorted out." He said. I nodded and went with him despite Lucius' outraged protests.

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