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Hey guys sorry I know its been forever....and I'm getting new readers and I love it but please don't correct the grammer mistakes I plan on doing that when I finish the book anyway here's the chapter!!!!!


" I said back off damn it!!!!" I kicked this burly dude in the chest one more time sending him staggering back only a few steps. "Cmon babe I just wanted a dance..and you in my bed" he smirks coming closer to me. I smirk. " yeah? Really? Well I know someone else who wants a dance and a kiss too" he grabs my hips " pucker up babe" I laugh a little " oh no..not me" my smile turns into a serious look as I knee him in the sack and he falls to the ground I push his face to the floor with my foot. "See? A nice little kiss right?" He gets up after I finish trying to connect souls with tsubaki and soul but it still didn't work. Damn I gasp as two of his friends join him and turn into weapons



Sleeping on the couch I felt something but I didn't know what. But when I went to the kitchen to get a snack I got my answer...


" shit! Uh your friends make some awesome weapons...." I say as I remember something. I look at tsubaki then at my heels and made a throwing gesture this guy couldnt see and I could see the idea click in her eyes. She takes both of her shoes off. " hey guys!" She says as she throws one at the guys head(its a pump and she threw hard so let's hope it left a mark) she then throws the other at the dudes gut which held him off a little. He stands straight and points a finger at tsubaki " I'll deal with you later" he looks at me and his smirk falls when he sees my arm "your a Meister!" "Right" I say calmly. " and a weapon?!" "Right again" " how?" I don't answer I charge at him but he blocks my blade arm with his friends who are daugers my blade scratches against his daugers but he's still stronger..... I grunt as he starts to tower over me. I start to think I'm a goner and tsubaki is trying to help but he's focused on me but it isn't until I feel a attach in my leg and a clank against his daugers that I notice the albino standing at my side helping me...... Like he always will.....hell always be here.... I guess its one of the reasons I love him.....

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