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"maka!!!!!!!!!" soul yells as I'm thrown to the ground " I'll spare your life this time girl!" the kishin yells as he disappeared into thin air "damn it!" I say slamming my fist to the ground as soul transforms back into his human form " damn maka we got our ass beat.." he sighed crouched down next to me as I lay still on the ground I sigh sitting up "yeah....." I look down at my blood stained gloves "let's go home I need a shower and so do you " I giggled holding out a hand for him to take " he smiles hi shark tooth grin taking my hand "you're really something you know that bookworm?" I giggle climbing onto the back of his motorcycle and hang on tight as we speed through death city

at their apartment

"soul could you hand me that cup please?" I say as I continue to wash dishes "sure" he hand m the cup but then goes to his room "huh?" I say as he slams his door shut "arrigato?" I say to the closed door oh well time to get to bed I think drying my hands I change and collapse on my bed thinking and dreaming once again of Soul Eater Evans........

OMG! sorry I haven't updated in a while but I'll try if my readers don't leave me!!!! I don't want to loose you! come back!!!!! lol anyway give me ideas please I am stumped so please drop some ideas in the comments please if you're still with me and thank you for reading new people love you guys bye!!!!!


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