Chapter Eight:

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*Hey guys, I'm back with another chapter of my version of Sing! This is published on September 3, 2021. If you guys like this chapter, don't be afraid to vote and spam the comment section. That would be greatly appreciated! Thank you guys so much for taking the time to read this and have a blessed day! Warning: Mentions of domestic abuse. Enjoy!*

In the early dusk, Dexter was out in the dock full of metal cargos while timing Johnny's driving. He's been slower than what normal getaway drivers would be. Who knew that teaching this easy job was going to be difficult for someone else who never did it?

"How was that, Dad?" Johnny asked while rolling down the window to see his father while having the music blaring.

Dexter sighed heavily while walking towards the black truck. "You're still too soft on them corners. And you're going hard on the brakes. I told you to go easy on 'em--ugh, will you turn that down?!"

Johnny zoomed away from his father, earning a glare from the huge gorilla.

"Oi, listen to your father!"

Johnny glared ahead of the road while impersonating his father. "You're too soft on the corners, Johnny!"

He sharply turned a corner out of pure anger. "You're not doing it right, Johnny!"

Johnny powerslide around the corner. "Speed up, Johnny!"

However, Johnny had no idea that his dad was in front of the car until too late. The young gorilla screeched and hit the brakes. The lights flashed into his eyes as he breathed heavily. He turned the radio off while breathing heavily.

"Dad?...oh no, I ran over my dad," Johnny muttered to himself, with guilt in his hazel brown eyes.

On cue, a hand slapped on the front hood of the truck, earning a screech from the young gorilla. He turned to see his father showing him the timer, which was much faster than before.

"Now, that's more like it," Dexter responded while giving Johnny a proud smile and a chuckle.

Johnny sighed deeply with a deadpan stare. "Dad...I would've killed you."

"Oh come on, you think I would be stupid enough to stand in front of a speeding car? Come on, son, have faith in your old man," Dexter said with a laugh.

A couple of hours later, Johnny and Dexter went back into the garage as Dexter was showing his pride in his son.

"Now, Johnny's ready for this heist!" Dexter said proudly while the gang waiting inside, who cheered for Johnny.

"You're one step closer to being part of Big Daddy's gang," one of the gorillas replied excitedly.

"Oh, he's already a part of it!" Dexter, known as Big Daddy, laughed in pride as he punched Johnny's chest playfully, unaware of someone in Johnny's pocket.

"Ow, harder, big daddy~"

There's a short awkward silence as Johnny could instantly recognize that familiar snarky voice.

Johnny was shocked out of everyone as he grunted in pretense pain and covering the pocket, feeling a small body moving around a bit from the inside. "Ow, that hurts. Bloody Mary!"

"Are you alright?" Dexter asked in concern.

"Yeah, yeah...I, uh, just got a bruise right here."

"A bruise? From what?"

Johnny plastered a smile. "Oh, just some random hyenas jumped on me and I had to fend for myself last night."

Dexter groaned deeply. "Johnny, I told you to not go out into the city at night without a gun."

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