Chapter Twenty-Two:

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*Hey guys! I'm already done with the story so I'm going to upload the remaining chapters today and then it'll be finished! This is published on October 5, 2021. If you guys like this chapter and the upcoming chapters, don't be afraid to vote and comment! Love you all and thank you for supporting my version of Sing! Enjoy!*

Everyone stayed as close to Meena as possible as the sewers grew darker and darker. Now the group could hear the sobbing sounds coming from their dear boss. Meena had the glowstick now since Johnny gave it to her to lead.

There wasn't much light in the sewers except for what's in front of them. Out of nowhere, a skeleton dropped right in front of the group unexpectedly, earning screams and yelps of terror from an unexpected scare.

They breathed heavily to realize that it's just a skeleton right in front of them.

"Bloody Mary, that scared me," Johnny replied with his hand over his chest.

"Normally, I would adore skeletons but not when they jump out of nowhere," Ash uttered breathlessly.

Meena cringed at the appearance of it. "I'm not liking this."

"I don't think anyone likes any of this," Mike implemented.

"We have to keep going," Eddie determined softly.

Meena nodded her head in pure fear as she stepped forward, going around the dangling skeleton with the group following her.

"Ugh, I don't like this at all," Gunter groaned while they stayed close to the elephant.

However, there's more than one skeleton dangling. More skeletons dangled in the sewers, creating a creepy atmosphere that would only scare everyone to death if those skeletons ever come alive and tried to grab them.

They continued to hear sobbing as it began to die down.

"Wait, Moonster, keep crying," Mike uttered. "I know that sounds bad but we're trying to find you."

"Yeah, that sounds really bad, Mike," Nancy responded with her clenched teeth.

"Shh," Meena shushed the mice as her ears perked up more just to hear more groaning than sobbing. "I think Mr. Moon is in pain."

"Or having a nightmare. He sounds like that when he has a nightmare," Mizuki pointed out to the group.

The group continued onward until they reached the sewer opening that would lead into a cell.

"He's in there," Meena pointed with her trunk.

The group looked up with eyes wide.

"Ugh, it's dark in there. There's no windows or anything," Gunter noted to the group.

Johnny stepped in front of Meena and lifted the sewer door just to move it aside. He turns back while having his hands placed on top of each other flatly. "I'll boost you guys up to get Mr. Moon."

Rosita and Gunter were first in line as Johnny helped the pigs up towards the cell. Mizuki followed behind them with Mike and Nancy on her shoulder. Johnny lifted the antelope up towards the cell as she climbed out of the sewers.

The cell was dark and the only sounds that were heard were moans from Buster, who's tossing and turning on the cell bed.

Rosita tiptoed up to him with Gunter behind her. "Mr. Moon?"

Buster curled up. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry."

Rosita tilted her head while shaking his shoulders gently. "Mr. Moon, it's okay. You're dreaming."

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