Chapter Twenty-One:

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*Hey guys, I'm back with another chapter of my version of Sing! I hope you guys are enjoying it so far! We're getting to the end. I'm thinking that maybe a few more chapters and it will be over! Whoo!!! And then I'll write my own version of Sing 2 once it comes out! How does that sound?! This is published on September 30, 2021. If you guys like this chapter, don't be afraid to vote and comment. That will be greatly appreciated! Warning: mentions of rape and---well, rape(it's not explicit I promise). Enjoy!*

Buster groaned as he fluttered his eyes open. He didn't get a chance to see where he was when a booming voice echoed around him.

"There he is, my star pupil!"

Buster blinked more than once to finally find himself in an abandoned warehouse while laying on a green couch. He turned to see an older koala with blue eyes just like his and white strands of his gray fur.


"Oh, so no uncle. Just Roy. First, I died before your birth and now I don't get an uncle," Roy, the older koala, said with a little sass in his tone.

Buster narrowed his brows while sitting up. "What do you want?"

"Well, I was going to have you come back into the gang life. But now, I have some questions. What's up with the name Buster Moon?"

Buster groaned in pain from the collateral damage that was done earlier in the theater. "What?"

"What's up with your name? Did you get it off from famous celebrities or did you just make it up on the top of your head? I mean, it has a nice ring to it. It sounds grand...majestic. 'Buster Moon, the greatest showman the world has ever seen!' I mean, if it weren't for those flops you'd received that title. Too bad the talent show was a bust. Ha-ha, get it,, not in the mood to joke? Gah, despite you being Buster Moon, you still act like Daniel Rambo--"

"Don't you call me that!!!" Buster barked angrily.

"Why? Did it bring back past traumas?" Roy questioned while tilting his head.

Buster breathed heavily while his small body was shaking.

"Oh, it did, didn't it?" Roy asked, figuring something out.

Buster tried to not cry in front of his long-lost uncle, who he tried to forget along with the other painful memories.

Roy noticed that Buster was trying to hold in the tears. "Trying to be strong in front of your old man, eh? Did you forget how to do it? Has being friends with your theater crew lower your guard down that much? Made you forget that you're ever Daniel Rambo?"

Buster's tears squeezed out of his eyes to think about his theater friends.






Ms. Crawly...





Despite telling everyone to leave him alone, Buster knew he's doing this to protect his friends from what his uncle was capable of.

"Wow, they must've meant to you that much," Roy awed as if he never saw emotion before within Buster. "It's too bad that they never knew the real you. I wonder how they reacted once they find out that you're not who you pretended to be. That you used to be a gang member...a stripper...and someone who killed his own father--"

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