Chapter Twenty-Four:

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*I'm so sorry if these chapters are a little long but I hope you guys still enjoy it despite it! This is published on October 5, 2021. If you guys like it, don't be afraid to vote and comment. That would be greatly appreciated! The song used is called "Beyond These Walls" by Michael J. Woodard. Enjoy!*

Johnny made his way through the city to find the bank Mizuki and Ms. Crawly mentioned. He managed to finally find it after all the time searching for it. The gorilla quickly entered the building and noticed that someone's lifeless body was laying behind the counter. The gorilla peeked over the counter with a gasp in shock. He quickly took out his gun in case of danger ahead. He snuck through the hallway until he reached an office that had the door open slightly ajar. The gorilla slowly pushed the door open to find that it was empty.

He heard someone mumbling as he turned to see a bleeding llama on the floor, tied up in the closet. Johnny gasped in shock as he rushed to the llama and picked her up.

"Bloody Mary," Johnny uttered in pure fear as he cut Judith with the scissors she's been holding.

"He's got Mr. Moon! He's got Mr. Moon!" Judith shouted soon after Johnny removed the rope from her mouth.

"Calm down, Ms--"

"Judith. Just call me Judith!" Judith stood up but the pain from the gunshot wound stung as she almost stumbled.

Johnny helped her up on her feet. "I'm getting you to the hospital!"

Johnny pressed his hand against her wound to keep pressure on it as he walked with her out of the office.

On cue, Ash entered with Rosita, Gunter, Mizuki, Eddie, Mike, Nancy, and Meena behind her.

"Holy cow, what happened?!" Ash shouted in horror.

"Where's Buster?!" Eddie questioned quickly.

"We need to get her to the hospital now!" Johnny urged the group to move out of the way. "We'll get to Mr. Moon later!"

Everyone followed after Johnny as they all made their way through the streets of Catalonia.


Thirty minutes passed by as everyone waited in the waiting room, anxiously looking around for any doctor who might be taking care of the llama bank teller.

"What happened, Johnny?" Mizuki uttered quietly.

"I-I don't know," Johnny responded, stuttering. "I saw that she was shot and there was a dead body behind the counter."

"Is it Roy?" Eddie questioned with a growl, not intending it to be at Johnny.

"I swear if it's him I'm going to find him and hurl him into the oblivion," Ash groaned.

"I'll help," Gunter volunteered himself.

"Same," Mike added.

The doctor, a golden retriever, came out to the theater gang.

"How is she?" Johnny asked desperately.

"She's fully awake and seemed aware," the doctor answered.

"Can we see her?" Meena requested sweetly.

The doctor nodded his head. "Yeah. She's down the hall."

The group got up from their seats and walked down the hall to where Judith was laying at.

They walked into the room to find Judith resting on the hospital bed, her wound patched up and the bullet laying on the silver tray.

"I'm sure you guys have questions," Judith assumed while straightening herself up.

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