Chapter Sixteen:

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*Hey guys! I'm back with another chapter of my version of Sing!! WHOO!!! This is published on September 21, 2021. If you guys like this chapter, don't be afraid to vote and comment! That would be greatly appreciated! The song used is called "A Million Dreams" sung by Pink. I hope you guys enjoy and have a blessed day! Warning: Domestic Abuse, Alcohol Abuse.*


"If it weren't for a burden of a son, we would've been happier!"

"Don't you dare take your anger out on him! He's just a child!"

"He's just a child who created a black hole and you happened to be chosen!"

As an eight-year-old child, Mike couldn't stand the screaming from his parents. Half of the time, he had no idea what they were talking about. The words that spilled from a drunken father and a meek mother were both venomous and cruel. Mike was all alone in his small blue-painted bedroom, his toys were stuffed in his small wooden chest while his room seemed to give him more comfort than the world outside.

Before Mike could cover his ears, he heard glass breaking and yelling. The little mouse opened the door to his bedroom and peeked to see his mother on the floor. She's still breathing but barely with blood pooled around her head.

There stood a mouse who Mike once called father. He was breathing heavily, his hands and fingers stained with blood. The small mouse gasped in shock. Living with his parents, he never thought that it would go as far as this. Just a few venomous words spat against each other but then they would go to bed. His father would apologize but that apology never stopped him from getting drunk again. His mother always forgave him each turn, she became more and more numb to the apologetic words spoken to her.

The young Mike witnessed this while his father lifted his glare up at his son. Mike was frozen like a scared deer in headlights. His father lost his glare instantly to see his son in tears. The father stumbled over towards the phone and dialed the emergency number.

" wife slipped and fell and hit her head against the glass...right-right, 2291 North Fremont Street...yes, yes. She's...she's barely breathing. Okay...okay."

Mike watched his father make the call and noticed his father glare right back at him. He pointed at him to keep him silent.

And young Mike was kept silent that night.

Twenty minutes later, the ambulance arrived and took his mother to the hospital. Within the hospital, Mike and his father waited in the waiting room while the little mouse was anxious when sitting next to his father. His father's hands were still stained with his mother's blood. The child mouse could only stare at his bloody fingers in horror.

His father turned to Mike with a firm stare. "If you tell anyone about this, I'll hunt you down."

Mike gasped quietly while shaking in his being. He bit his lips and nodded his head in obedience. The mice waited for the result as the cow doctor came out.

"Well, she's still alive. That must have been quite a fall," the doctor replied.

"Is she okay?" his father asked.

"Well, that fall took damage to her brain...we're not sure if she'll remember anything about you both," the doctor explained sadly.

Mike gasped as he tried to think of what his mother could at least remember.

Will she remember him or his father?

Mike was escorted by the doctor with his father. He went out to reach for his father's hand but his father moved his hand away from him, glaring at him slightly for even reaching out.

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