*Hello, peeps! Who here has seen the SING 2 trailer?! Raise your hands!!! YASSS!!! Okay, my personal review of it is that there's some deep stuff going on with that poor old lion dude and I think that wolf guy is going to be a twist villain. Hahaha! LOL! Anyway, this chapter is published on June 24, 2021. If you like this chapter, don't be afraid to vote and spam the comment section. It'll be much appreciated. The song used is called "I don't wanna" by Beck Bennet and Scarlet Johansson(you heard me, Black Widow aka Natasha Romanoff). Enjoy!*
At night, Buster was on his way home, his frown present on his face. He exited out of the theater, already locking everything up. His tired eyes were drifting off somewhere else as he heard a beautiful tune playing in the streets in the dead of night. Buster was intrigued by this tune as he followed the sound and peeked around the corner to see a light shining down on a small mouse with a worn-out red suit and red bowler hat. He's playing the saxophone beautifully without a care in the world. Some people tipped him and some didn't. But it didn't make a difference to the mouse playing the saxophone.
Buster could watch the mouse for hours and hours. Maybe he should hire that mouse on the talent show.
All of the sudden, a group of cats walked by the mouse with a snicker.
"Heh, look at that, it's the pipsqueak playing on the world's smallest instrument again," the lead cat with black-furred pointed with a laugh.
The mouse rolled his eyes and continued to play the saxophone.
"Hey, why don't you squeak out the notes instead of playing it?" the other cat insulted him.
The mouse put his saxophone down with a glare up at the cats. "Look, if ya want to harass a street performer, you're picking on the wrong one."
The cats laughed at the tiny mouse.
"Get him, boys!" the lead cat shouted as the cats began to attack the small mouse, kicking him in the stomach and punching him in the face.
Buster watched this with eyes widened in pure shock at this moment. He drew his brows together as he strode between the cats and the mouse, leaving injuries on the mouse such as a black eye and scratch marks.
"Hey! I already got the police on the phone! I can report you for harassment!" Buster threatened. Obviously, he lied about his phone being on for the police but the cats were too dumb to not believe it.
"Oh gosh! Run!" the lead cat scurried with his group.
Buster growled. "The nerve of people sometimes."
The koala turned to the mouse, as the mouse tried to get up by himself.
"Here, let me help you--"
"I don't need your help. Thanks, but no thanks. I've already dealt with enough big animals for today," the mouse snarled, getting up finally up on his two feet and picking up his broken saxophone and stuffed it in his briefcase.
Buster blinked for a second. "You played beautifully on the saxophone."
The mouse snorted at that comment. "Yeah, I know. But nobody will ever accept real talent unless you're a giraffe."
Buster watched the mouse limping into the lonely sidewalk, he couldn't just leave the mouse going home all beat up and injured. "Hey, if you want, I got first aid kits to help treat the scratch marks. Maybe it's safer if you stay the night at my place."
"Nah, don't worry about it. I got my own place," the mouse responded while showing the box that he's living in. Before he could even enter it, a fat hippo fell right out of the window of a bar and crushed the boxes with his weight, destroying the mouse's home instantly.

Sing(My Version)
FanficBuster Moon, the showman of Moon Theater, ran into a problem. A terrible problem with the theater and his finances. Refusing help from others closest to him, he's determined to save his theater with hard work and determination. What could save the t...