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Àyànfé POV

  My Dad always told me getting an education will most likely come in handy, whether you decide to use your degree or not. So that's why I am currently stuck in this house with my two best friends, studying for a SAT mock exam.

  "Omo I'm sooo tired. We've been at this for like three hours, can't we take a break?" Nafisa whined. Nafisa is the lightskinned beauty. With a Nigerian father and a Somali mother, the genes did her good.

  "Break? are you serious? we literally have this exam tommorow morning and we can't afford to slack. UCLA remember?" Nori, my other best friend encouraged. We three had planned to go to the University of California, Los Angeles ever since we were in junior school, and now that we were so close to being there, we couldn't afford to lose.

  "Fine" Nafisa huffed and put her nose back in her book. I just shook my head and laughed.

  "When is my husband coming back home dude? Isn't he meant to be here already?" Nori asked me, interrupting our reading session. Nafisa immediately turned to give her a glare.

  "But- but" She stammered.

  "Yeah I know I said no distractions, but asking about my husband is an exception" Nori waved her off. I laughed at my best friends antics.

  "He should be back home tomorrow afternoon, and he's not your husband" I replied, rolling my eyes. She was always calling my older brother her husband for reasons best known to her. My brother doesn't even like her like that, but she still gives herself false hope. I found it hilarious too.

  "Oh shut up. TK is mine...and he knows that" She replied smartly, and Nafisa and I couldn't resist laughing out loud. Honestly Nori was the funniest person I've met, always cracking people up.

  "Whatever girl" I waved her off after our laughter had died down.
  Several minutes after, we heard the front door opening and I immediately knew it was my Step mom and sister entering the house.

  "Let's go downstairs guys, my Mama might have food for us" I told the girls, standing up from the bed myself. They also got up immediately and ran out door, almost tripping themselves over. These girls are clowns, I thought to myself.

  "Hey Mummy Monifa" I heard the girls greet as I descended down the stairs. They pulled her into a hug as big as her 7 months pregnant stomach could allow like they didn't just see her yesterday.

  "Hello my babies" She greeted back as they pulled away from one another. I went towards her and gave her a hug of my own.

  "Good afternoon Momma"

  "Hello darling" She answered. My step mom had been in our lives since I was 6 and she was such a sweet lady. She was never unnecessarily mean to us in any way, and she was just the perfect mother figure. While my birth mother was also in me and my brother's lives, she lived in the UK. She and my father had separated shortly after my birth, and I could say my Dad was the one who pretty much raised me. Until my step mom came into the picture. My brother and I always made frequent trips to London to see our Mom and it's safe to say we also have a good bond.

  "Hey Monifa" I ruffled her hair playfully.
  "Damn! don't ruffle my hair nigga" She flinched at me and I jumped back. Now tell me why on earth I would be scared of a 10 year old?

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