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"Hey ma...I came with a friend" Kanaan greeted as we entered his mother's hospital room. She laid down facing the wall, her back towards us. She turned around slowly upon hearing her son's voice.

"Good afternoon ma'am" I greeted, bending my knees slightly.

Of course I had to show I was a cultured Yoruba girl.

"Oh my—is that the pretty girl that's been keeping my baby away from me? I can see it's totally worth it" Kanaan's Mom laughed loudly, at least as loud as her lungs could let her. I could tell she was a happy and genuine person, she didn't let her illness weigh her down.

I smiled nervously.

"Ayanfe is the name right?" She asked with wide eyes, and I nodded quickly, before raising a brow towards Kanaan's direction. He smiled shyly and shrugged.

So he's been talking to his Mom about me? Hmm...

"Come gimme a hug darling. I don't bite o" She laughed again, before pulling me slightly for a tight hug.

Erm she's got so much strength for someone without kidneys...I'm so sorry. And why is she so happy?

"Kanaan has told me so much about you" She gushed.

I blushed slightly. "Really?"

"Yes baby. Just two days ago he was telling me how unbelievable your beau—"

Kanaan cut her off. "Okay Mom please don't start" He groaned and his Mom giggled.

"Shut up Orighomisan. God knows I'm not lying" His mom rolled her eyes and at that moment, I could see the resemblance between them.

"Orighomisan? How come you've never told me your village name?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him. His mom burst out in sudden loud laughter.

Can this woman get any happier?

"Ahh not the village name. This girl's so funny Kanaan, please keep her around" She laughed. I couldn't help but join her myself.

I didn't know I was that funny...

"So good to know my name could make you people laugh like this" Kanaan rolled his eyes.

"Don't be a cry baby now Misan" His mom reached out to pat his cheeks like a child. Kanaan leaned into his mother's touch, eyes closed. At that instance, I felt a deep craving for my own birth mother. I hadn't seen her in months.

I should call her. Yep I'll definitely call her when I get home.

"Are you alright Ayanfe?" Kanaan asked me, noticing the look on my face.

"Yeah I'm very cool" I replied, snapping out of my thoughts.

"Okay o". Kanaan's Mom kept on talking to us about different things. I noticed that she particularly enjoyed politics very much.

"Have you heard from your sister recently Kanaan?" His mother asked, with a hint of sadness in her voice.

Yeah he did mention that he had an elder sister on one of our numerous hangouts...but he was vague about it.

Kanaan seemed to pause for a moment. "No I haven't"

"She didn't call you?" His Mom asked.

"No Mom, she didn't call" Kanaan replied with an air of abruptness.

"And you didn't think to call her? Rosenah is your sister for God's sake Misan!" She snapped, her voice cracking.

Oh no, I gotta get the fuck outta here. I hate being involved in family drama.

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