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"Bro how hard can physics be? You're just a dumbass" I muttered lowly. I was currently trying to get Tokunbo to help me with my physics assignment, but he decided to play dumb.

"Are you shiting me right now? You of all people know I'm the goat at physics" He boasted.

"psst" I scoffed. "And you can't help me with ordinary energy quantization Dr. Einstein". My cousins who had been sitting beside me the entire time, busted out in laughter.

"I just don't want to help you. Isn't that like the simplest topic in physics? You no just get brain" He laughed. [You just don't have a brain]

"No it's not" I stale faced him. "Don't even worry sef. I'll just ask Kanaan when he comes"

"Okay na" He replied absentmindedly, typing furiously on his phone. He looked so concentrated.

"What girl are you tryna play this time around Tee?" Dior asked him, as if reading my mind.

"Me? Can't be me" He scoffed. "I respect girls too much to play them"

"Wussup with the girl you told me about that day?" I asked.  "Wetin be her name again...umm...Chidinma I think". [What's her name again?]

"Chichima" He corrected.

"Ehn are you guys still talking?" I asked.

"Mind your business little girl" He retorted.

"Dude I'm literally seventeen" I rolled my eyes.

"See how small you are? You're like the youngest here"

"Fuck o–" I stopped, remembering he was my older brother. He glared at me and I laughed nervously, scratching my neck. The doorbell suddenly rang.

"I'll get it!" Dior jumped up, skipping to the door.

"Oh heyyyy Kanaan" She giggled, her voice a notch higher.

"Wussup" I heard Kanaan reply plainly. It was so funny she didn't even get the message. "May I come in?"

"Sure!" She squeaked, and moved out of his way. He entered the living room looking all scrumptious like usual. This dude literally puts no effort into looking this good.

"Wassam brodie" He greeted, slapping hands with Tokunbo. He gave a little wave at Audrey before turning to me. I felt my insides warm up.

Get a grip on yourself sis.

"Wusgud Ayanfe?" He greeted before sitting on the sofa beside TK, pulling out his MacBook. I noticed he was not his usual overly friendly self.

Something was bothering him.

They began their assignment, working rather quietly. This wasn't the usual vibe. My cousins and I shared a knowing look. Kanaan was always joking around with us and this just seemed weird.

The girls and I busied ourselves with our phones while they finished their project.

"And that's a wrap" Tokunbo said after about an hour and a half, slamming his pen onto the table dramatically. Kanaan stretched out his arms and started packing up his things.

"Can you help me with my physics homework Kay?" I asked nervously, hoping he wouldn't say no. He looked at me with bored eyes, like he'd rather be anywhere else.

"I guess...I have only a few minutes to spare sha" He replied, just when I thought he'd say no.

"Thank you so much!" I squealed happily, running to fetch my books from the dining area. My cousins went to the bathroom to shoot a funny video for their YouTube, and my brother just disappeared.

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