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I was home already from my usual classes, when the doorbell rang. I jumped up immediately and went to the door. Opening it, I was not prepared for the handsome face I saw. Standing there was a brownskin guy, about 6'2 in height, with a very fine face and plump pink lips.

"Umm hi!" I cleared my throat.

Why was I acting nervous? It's just a guy jor.

"Hi. I'm here to see Tokunbo. Is he around?" His deep sultry voice asked, making eye contact.

Why was his voice so sexy? And why was he looking at me like that?

"Yeah s-sure he's around" I stuttered. We stood there looking at each other awkwardly.

"Well can I come in?" He finally broke the silence.

"Oh I'm so sorry! Please come in" I blushed, moving out of the way for him to enter the house.

"Nice place" He complimented, nodding his head in approval.

"Thank you. I'll go call Tokunbo now" I said and rushed up the stairs. My heart was beating so fast. I knocked on Tokunbo's door twice before entering.

"How many times do I have to tell you wait for me to answer before you enter? Stubborn goat" He said while getting up from his bed.

"You weren't even doing anything" I replied.

"What if I was mastur-" I cut him off before he could complete the word.

"Oh my gosh just shut up!" I groaned in annoyance. "Anyways, your friend is downstairs"

"Oh Kanaan right?" He asked.

"Now how am I supposed to know?" I retorted.

"Why are you so snappy? Who pissed in your food?"

"I'm not snappy" I snapped again.

"Just d- lemme introduce you both, because you're gonna be seeing him here often" He said, heading for the door. I followed behind him till we got to the living room.

"Heyyy big man" Tokunbo greeted him, with a bro handshake.

"Awfa baba nla" Kanaan replied with a smile.

Gosh he's so fine....

"Ehen, Kanaan meet Àyànfé. Àyànfé, Kanaan" TK introduced.

"Hi" Kanaan greeted, pulling me into a hug. The hug was totally unexpected, and it was surprisingly warm. We pulled away shortly after.

Thank God I was dark skinned, I would have been as red as a tomato.

"Oya guy let's get started on this stuff. I can't even wait for it to be over" Tokunbo said, putting his arm around Kanaan's shoulder, leading him to his room. I stood there staring at Kanaan's retreating figure.

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