He licked his plump lips and my eyes automatically went there. He noticed and started inching down to my own lips. My eyes fell shut on their own accord, and my hands found their way to his broad chest.
🏅#1 Lagos
🏅 #1 Projectnaija
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I woke up to the blinding rays of sunlight. I forgot to draw the curtains last night.
"Damn!" I groaned then stood up to draw the curtains. My besties were still dead asleep.
"Wake up bitches. It's afternoon already!!" I screamed in their ears. It was barely nine in the morning.
"God!! I have to go home!" Nafisa jumped up, scrambling around for her things, while Nori barely moved her body.
"Calm down jor. It's just 9am" I laughed. "Let's go make breakfast"
"Ahh thank God" Nafisa sighed in relief.
"Won't this girl wake up like this?" I asked.
"Let's pour cold water on her" Nafisa suggested evilly.
"And get my bed wet? No thank you" I raised a brow at her.
"Fineee...I'll slap her" She said.
"Suit yourself" I shrugged. Almost immediately, Nafisa pounced on her and gave her a hot slap.
Nori jumped up immediately, disoriented.
"Ouch! what the fuck was that!?" She asked, sleep still evident in her eyes.
"Umm... Àyànfé slapt you" Nafisa lied then ran out of the room.
"What?!! She's so mischievous. I didn't slap you Nori, she did!" I defended myself. Nori just rolled her eyes in response and got out of bed. I was shocked because Nori was not so nice. She was the meanest out of us girls and revenge was her mantra.
"What's for breakfast?" She asked with a huge yawn. She looked so cute I felt like squishing her cheeks.
"We'll probably make pancakes and eggs" I replied.
"You know I don't eat eggs"
"Yeah I know. So no eggs for you"
"Bacon?" She asked.
"I'm not too sure if we still have bacon. I hope so sha" I replied. We left my room and went into the kitchen. Nafisa was already munching on a plate of sliced watermelons.
"Fat ass" I said, stealing a slice. She stuck out her tongue at me.
Suddenly, Nori landed a hot slap on Nafisa's cheek.
"Ouch!!! What the fuck is wrong with you?" Nafisa whined, holding her cheek.
"You know better than slapping me, you thought I won't revenge?" Nori laughed.
"Witch!" Nafisa mumbled. They continued their bickering, while I brought out our Aunt Jemima Pancake mix. I checked the refrigerator for bacon, and luckily we still had a decent amount left.