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Oh shit!

Oh fucking shit!

My Father??!

"Why are you still cuddled up? C'mon get up!" My Dad yelled at us, and we immediately jumped out of bed. I didn't even hear my Dad enter the house, talk less of climb up the stairs.


"Dad I promise it's not what you think..." I tried to calm him a little, while Kanaan was putting on a brave front. I knew he was about to piss on himself and I almost laughed.

Poor boy. I put him into trouble.

"My friend will you shut up there?! What's not what I think? Huh?! You are here cuddled up with a boy. So is this what you do when no one's home?!" My father barked at me, venom dripping through his words.

Imagine the scenerio: A father comes in to find his teenage daughter in bed with a boy. And not just any boy, his son's friend.

"I'm sorry Sir, this is a total misunderstanding. I was the one who insis—" Dad cut Kanaan off.

"Are you stupid?! Wait o...is this not Caleb, abi what is even your name? Tokunbo's friend?! Oh my God!" Dad groaned, rubbing his hands down his face.

I could feel tears brim at my eyes. "I swear Dad, nothing happened. We were just..." I trailed off, not even knowing how to complete my excuse.

"You see, you see. You can't even find a lie to give me Ayanfe" He then turned to stare at Kanaan in disgust. "C'mon get out of my house! And I better not see you around here again"

"Daddy, please j–" I immediately kept shut just by the look on his face.

I'm done for.

"I'm really sorry Mr Balogun. This whole situation was actually my fault" Kanaan tried to take the hit for me, when in reality I was the one who asked him to come over.

"Jus–just get out of my house" My Dad ordered. Kanaan looked back at me and gave me a sympathetic look, before leaving.

Please don't leave. Ahhhh!

"And you" My Dad started with a very harsh glare on his face. "I'll deal with you when your mom comes back. You really disappointed me Ayanfe"

I was amidst tears at this point. "I'm really really sorry Dad"

"Pfft. And don't think Elise won't hear about this" Dad huffed, walking out.

Kill me. Fucking shoot me.

Elise is my mother. My birth mom. And I better catch her before my Dad does.

The phone rang a few times.

"Hello?" Her pretty face came into view.

"Mom.." I sniffled, trying to calm myself down.

"Ayanfe? What's happening baby girl?" My mom asked worriedly.

"Mom I made a mistake"

"Talk to me darlin" She said patiently.

"Dad kinda caught me in bed with a boy..." I fidgeted. Look, my mom isn't the traditional Nigerian mother. She isn't even Nigerian, so the way she'll react to things might be a tiny bit different.

She laughed...like hysterically. "Oh my gosh baby! Why would you let him catch you?! You should have been more careful"

Wtf? No wonder Dad took us with him...

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